What are you listening to right now?

Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 29 2006, 02:58 AM
You can dance, you can dance, everybody look at your pants.

Tomorrow, my friends and I are going to do the Night at the Roxbury dance after school by the main stairway. I'll record it and post it.

Then, Friday, after school, it's Safety Dance. I've got my whole Advanced Drama class joining in, so there will be a large mass of high schoolers doing the Safety Dance for no apparent reason!
It'll be glorious!

Remember the day Andy had us doing the Safety Dance?...
Ohhh highschool, those crazy drug and alcohol fueled breeding grounds of good memories and horrible decisions.

I don't miss it at all.
Originally posted by Bloodlessr@Mar 29 2006, 02:43 PM
Cheer up, at least you live in Canada errr wait...
YOU BE NICE! :!@#$:

It gets better Nabeel. :kiss:

Jeff Buckley - Lover You Should've Come Over