What are you listening to right now?

The repeating crescendo theme at the beginning is perfect for that long stretch of highway. The louder it gets the faster I drive.
Originally posted by proof@Dec 7 2005, 11:19 PM
I listen to everything. Seriously. A lot of people say that but when pressed about country or hip-hop they say, "Well except that." Not me. I love it all.
Haha well I try and listen to everything but the radio stations here blow goats so I have to pretty much depend on suggestions.
I live in Michigan, so we have access to a lot of Canadian stations as well, which play a far greater variety. Plenty of music you won't hear on American radio. Of course with the advent of the internet and satellite radio, it's getting easier for people to develop a much broader taste in music, which is great.
Originally posted by proof@Dec 7 2005, 11:25 PM
The repeating crescendo theme at the beginning is perfect for that long stretch of highway. The louder it gets the faster I drive.
That part in Stinkfist, the instrumental part right before he says "Something kinda sad about the way that things have come to be".. oh lord I wanna make out with that part.
I'm one of those people who hate country and hip hop!!!! :lol: :lol:

There are few rap songs I like I guess.
Originally posted by proof@Dec 7 2005, 11:28 PM
Of course with the advent of the internet and satellite radio, it's getting easier for people to develop a much broader taste in music, which is great.
For real, otherwise I'd still be listening to nothing but U2 all day long.
Damn right.

Waterboys - Whole Of The Moon <-- reminds me of Hothouse Flowers :wub:
Oooh I super duper like this song but all it says is "Melon", what is this?
Ahh, Otis. What a voice.

Get ready for something completely different next.

Omg I can't believe you said that, I was thinking a few hours ago about this project we did in gifted class in middle school, and the teacher made us make up a list of things that were special to us, and the first thing I listed was bagpipes. I haven't even thought about that in years.