Originally posted by dascoot@Jul 14 2007, 07:49 AM

No I'm kidding, hope you're feeling better. :wub:
:P Thanks Melissa, I'm still a bit sick but I'm not spinning circles in my bed no more, so that's good.

girls dont like me when im drunk and call them "broads" and scream about oprah in a macho man randy savage voice, well they actually like the randy savage voice, but its intimidating...
... plus the fact that you're usually naked and doing flexes on a table when you do so
Maybe it was the nekked table flexing. I know what I would flex. Heh :naughty:
Well, if you wanna get technical then it's Drunk co-ed nekkid Crisco, Choclate and Jell-o Twister! :naughty:
I find that unappealing in a nekked twister gourmet kinda way. :(

I would NEVER mix crisco with food in such an endeavor nor would I mix those two foods. Whipcream and jello or whipcream and chocolate maybe but crisco, jello, chocolate..........ewwwwww :P