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Wha!? Kevin Smith is not even rated! He has no style and he tells the basest jokes although Dogma had some substance within the humor.

And by the by, why is there an advert for Amazon.com selling James Blunt and Crotchless French Knickers up above? :blink:
Yes I feel the same except I didn't quite get Clerks but everything else I love. Oh but I haven't seen Chasing Amy yet. *puts on Netflix list* :)
Chasing Amy was ok. The problem with Clerks was that they were pioneering the whole mockumentary genre but they did it with terrible acting, so it came off weird.

pirates of the carribean

lil miss sunshine

ghost rider

grid iron gang
I wanna see Ghost Rider, Pirates, Clerks 2, and that movie with OutKast...?
You might need a backup camera too, cause stuff'll be flyin and I can't be held responsible for damaged lenses, etc.
:lol: :lol: I'll install some of those black dome anti-shoplifting cameras that stores use. :)