United Airlines


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This commercial was released in 2007 -or so i beleive-

i didn't really remebered ALL of the details of the commercial but i can explain it for you as best as i can:
theres this guy in a buisness suit coming from home to leave for work,he get on this plane,goes to this tall building to the meeting room,And then something happened there about fighting the dragon while he was stareing into space?

like i said i did'nt know all or some of the details,although i hope somebody reconizes this commercial..><,i
if you know the background music,then please tell me the artist and the name of the background music

Bonjour!,have a nice day!
Re: what is the background music?

The closest one I can think of, is the United Airlines commercial from about 2 years ago. I think the music was most probably written just for this ad, but it contains parts of Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue (a piece which has been used by United for years). They were really a great series of ads!
