Toyota Sequoia

crazy supa fly girl

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thx to time warner dvr i recorded the commercial and ripped it onto here. since i thought you actually hearing/seeing it would make it easier for you guys to help identify the song rather than me give you a lame description of what it sounded like. please tell me who does this song. it sounds beautiful.
  • video
  • audio (no, this isn't an mp3 of the song. its the audio ripped straight from the commercial, its like 10 seconds long)
Answered! Thanks to PoundPuppy!

Well, I've got good news and bad news.

First off, it's amazing what the internet and a phone can do for you. I started with Toyota customer service, corporate office, sales, then to their advertising company saachi and saachi (sp?), a couple of automated answering machines, and finally got a callback from a very nice woman named Amanda (Thank you Amanda, if you ever see this!")

So the good news is that I found out the song is by Josh Ralph, whose company is called "The Rumor Mill". The bad news is that it's a 30 second commercial jingle, which is what his company seems to typically work on. Doing a search resulted in a lot of hits on Ad Week where he did the music.

Joshua Ralph's website:

The Rumor Mill:

I've sent email to try to find out more, if I can...
in case you guys dont know how to download using that link i gave you. click on the link, scroll all the way down until you see the button that says "free" on it and click it. you may have to wait like 30 seconds before you can download, but it will let you
I am also interested in music from this artist. Similar music is also on Microsoft commercials and I am wondering if it is the same artist.
I am also looking for this music. It is really awesome and I'd like to learn to play it.
The music? Nick Drake, "One Of These Things First."

It wasn't until I rewatched Garden State that I put two and two together. Caveat: I'm no musician, but even if they aren't the same song, I've listened to the sample above and the song a few times now, and they are at least darned similar (it'd be nice if someone had the version of the commercial that has lyrics).

{ k }
no, it's definately not "nick drake's - one of these things first". i have the garden state soundtrack (great movie btw) and listened to it. they sound sort of similar...but not really. anybody else have any ideas?
I too am searching for this music, it's awesome. Just to give a further description it's from the commercial were the dad comes home and turns off the tv and takes his family out into the country.

I agree it's definately not Nick Drake's "One of these things First."
it sounds A LOT like migala, a band from spain.

most of their songs are in spanish...but are all beautiful and soothing. some of them are a bit dark and scary, but good nonetheless.

i have no proof that this is who it is --- but the second i saw the commercial, i thought it sounded exactly like them. i was in the process of trying to verify this, when i stumbled here...i'm going to continue to try to prove it, but if it's not actually them, then at the very least, if you like the song in that commercial, i think you'll probably like migala.
Originally posted by crazy supa fly girl+May 16 2005, 10:48 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (crazy supa fly girl @ May 16 2005, 10:48 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-doozer88@May 15 2005, 05:52 PM
it sounds A LOT like migala, a band from spain.
which song of theirs is it similar to? btw, so far i do like them! :D [/b][/quote]
This isn't going to be helpful, but I wanted to say thank you for starting this thread. I at least have the audio from the commercial to listen to now! I am worried that this is a one-off jingle, but I hope not because a whole CD of this style music would be perfect to play when we finish rebuilding our family cabin in the mountains that burned in the San Diego fires in 2003.

We're keeping our fingers crossed that someone figures it out!
Well, I've got good news and bad news.

First off, it's amazing what the internet and a phone can do for you. I started with Toyota customer service, corporate office, sales, then to their advertising company saachi and saachi (sp?), a couple of automated answering machines, and finally got a callback from a very nice woman named Amanda (Thank you Amanda, if you ever see this!")

So the good news is that I found out the song is by Josh Ralph, whose company is called "The Rumor Mill". The bad news is that it's a 30 second commercial jingle, which is what his company seems to typically work on. Doing a search resulted in a lot of hits on Ad Week where he did the music.

Joshua Ralph's website:

The Rumor Mill:

I've sent email to try to find out more, if I can...
awww! :( bummer!

thank you so much for doing all that though. you definately rock! i tried calling toyota and could never get through for some reason
which song of theirs is it similar to? btw, so far i do like them!

i guess not that it matters anymore (thanks poundpuppy, for the answer), but the song that it sounded like to me was suburban empty movie theatre, on the arde album.
I saw a commercial for RV-ing (I think) last night that had very similar music and it made me wonder if JRalph was behind that one also or if it was just by chance. The guitar work was very similar but it didn't have the heavenly voices layered, just guitar.
Here's a CD that has similar music, although it's solo guitar with no overlays and stuff.

iTunes Link

Try a couple different tracks, like 5, 10, 12, 24..
FYI.. I did get a response from Mr. Ralph, which is very nice. He stated "That song isn't available yet." and that they're working on getting an album sorted out but nothing is planned right now.

So I guess it's a bit of a crap shoot right now as to whether we'll ever get a full-length version of the song. An entire album of similar music seems unlikely..