Toyota Camry


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So yesterday I saw a Toyota Commercial with a Camry driving next to a truck with a huge mirror on its side. There was a song playing that had the lyrics " I am good, I am fly" it was a rap type song. I found a song on youtube "I am good" by Chalie Boy.. but its not it.. I can't seem to find the commercial online to listen to the song again..

Does anyone know what song or where I can find this commercial at?
Re: Toyota

Here is a similar themed Toyota Camry commercial. Is it the same song?

Re: Toyota

No, but same guy... the one I am looking for is a guy driving a highway next to a Semi Truck and the semi truck has a giant mirror on the side.
Its I look good by Charlie Boy


So yesterday I saw a Toyota Commercial with a Camry driving next to a truck with a huge mirror on its side. There was a song playing that had the lyrics " I am good, I am fly" it was a rap type song. I found a song on youtube "I am good" by Chalie Boy.. but its not it.. I can't seem to find the commercial online to listen to the song again..

Does anyone know what song or where I can find this commercial at?