Things I Love...

Awww Rhonda I am really sorry. But you know what after working for Vecotr.. I kinda calmed down. ;)

Yea laughing is good! Only I laugh in chruch.. I dont know why.. It's so quiet and I just have to giggle.. and I think of everything that ever made me laugh. I'm goin got hell
I love kiera knightly... and I love scotch, scotchy scotch scotch...
I love chocolate and Mike's Hard Lemonade for dinner and cashews and Jones cream soda for breakfast. :)
Me too! I laugh all the time during church. I just can't help it, everything in the world that I find funny just comes into my head then! Especially when some old person in front of you starts that hacking cough like he's about to die. :lol: :lol: Don't ask me why, but i think that's hilarious.
or when ababies make a wierd noise at liek the right time..
Ex Priest: that is why god loves us.
Baby: yea yea yea yea
One time we took our neighboors grandson.. and he was yelling at the choir "Hey why aren't you singing?" and then he started saying bye and waving to everybody as the priest was still talking..
Babies are so bad, but you have to love them
Yeah, I go to that site just about every day. :P I love the designs for the Hungarian Horntail. Scary :blink:
la la la :plugs ears: la la la

i'm still reading "goblet of fire" -- don't give away any secrets!
The kids look so little in the first one. Are they really going to recast everyone?
Originally posted by Enyone@Mar 7 2005, 09:03 PM
The kids look so little in the first one. Are they really going to recast everyone?
I hope not! They're all so perfect in the parts they play. The only one didn't like was Thewlis as Remus Lupin. <_< That was horrible casting!
Aww hell yeah, I love Ralph Fiennes. (Did I spell that right Steph? All them silent letters?)