The Krays

Forgive me for being so horribly dim witted, but how do we know that he knows which music we are searching for?
Okay guys, since this seems to be a HUGE topic, I think I can help you. While I don't know the name of the song, I know one place it was used that no one has mentioned yet. After September 11th, MSNBC attached this piece of music to their "Attack on America" bumper. Here's hoping this helps.
We all know the score is written by late michael kamen

I have The krays score and that choral track is not on it :(

But yeah mailing that site owner might help
Michael Kamen died last year of a heart attack. Prior to this, however, he expressed that he was unaware of the music.

Hello I'm new to adtunes. I heard the song you are talking about and although you are correct it is not O Fortuna, I believe it is from the same opera by Carl Orff. The opera is Carmina Burana and if I believe the song is Fortune plango vulnera.

Have a listen on Amazon - second track.

Let me know if this correct.

The Orff piece was heavily dominated by brass, and had a male voice. The tempo is similar, but not close.

The piece in question is dominated by Strings and has a lead female voice. You had a pretty good guess, but I don't think it is the one.
wow this question had me searching for the whole day...from like 9 in the morning to almost 4...grrr and i consider myself somewhat of an internet queen..i can find most anything but yet this damn song has alluded me ::cheesed off:: i kinda like it too so i hope someone out there will find it =D
Thank you NASA!!! :D

Maybe now we can find someone who didn't last work with this opera 15 years ago.
Wasn't this song also featured in the latest Capital One No Hassel commercial? Where the barbarians and such are running through the mall? I think I heard it there as well...but perhaps not. I'll watch for it again and see if I was correct. At any rate, I believe the NASA link will be the most...profitable? What I mean is, if they can't tell us where the song came from or tell us where to find it, then perhaps it can't be found at all... :unsure:
I figured, I just wasn't sure so I thought I'd post it anyway to see if anyone else had thought it was the same. :P
I also to the time to email John Ottman to see if he knew the answer. :D
This is the response I got from emailing John Ottman.

> Hello,
> My name is Kurt and myself and thousands of others online on forums
> are struggling to find the title of a song. Its been 6 months and
> nobody can find it! I was wondering if you can help. This song sound
> much like O Fortuna, but we know its not that. The song is used in
> many trailers, I have a link to The Krays trailer,
> . If its possible,
> please email me back.
> Thanks,
> Kurt


Dunno why you emailed John Ottman (I screen his email for his site)
about trailer music.... but for the record, that piece of music has been
driving ME nuts for a long time too.

Rest assured, as soon as I figure it out, it will be at


After FINALLY getting to hear this music, I'm ALMOST certain it IS Orff.
My Guess would be from the Opera "Carmina Burana", BUT NOT the piece "Oh Fortuna", which is what a lot of folks "hear" when the hear THIS piece.
(Oh Fortuna, is used in a lot of things too Like the Marines ad from a couple years back, and Excalibur-the movie)
I used to have Carmina Burana on vinyl a few years ago but alas no longer, and This piece does seem familiar.
If someone has access to a copy of the album (im sure you can find them cheap) they can check it out.

I'll keep looking but I think this might be the answer.

Also, try contacting a local NPR (Or Public Radio) station. The staff would probaby be very knowlegeable about classical music. Play a bit for them and see if they recognize it.
After FINALLY getting to hear this music, I'm ALMOST certain it IS Orff.
My Guess would be from the Opera "Carmina Burana", BUT NOT the piece "Oh Fortuna", which is what a lot of folks "hear" when the hear THIS piece.

Bruno, we have determined in eariler post that this probably isn't the work of Orff at all and its definitly not in Carmina Burana.

I can also confirm this is not Verdi's Requiem: Dies Irae but, I can't speak for any of his other works.
Oh God, Thanks a lot guys! I mean, there I was, minding my own buisiness, browZing the site, looking for cool music when WHAMO, I click on this link, a seemingly innocent link at the time, and now I am obbsesivly searching for this SONG. GAH!

I Really really really want this song. Admins, for the love of god, chocolate, fuzzy kittens Johnny Depp and all things HOLY, if the answer of this is ever found, please POST it on the main page. In fact a parade should be thrown when the origins of this piece is found. Gadzooks!
Whe I first saw the Christmas commercial of the Huns rampaging inside the mall until the couple decide to use their Prime Lock Capital One card, my first thought was "OMG, it's that piece of music we've been trying to find on Adtunes!"

Anybody else know if it's the same piece?