The Devil Wears Prada


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Ok so there's this song at the beginning of the movie and it's some girl singing and I know it's something like " Now I see (I see)... I see" Lots of "I see's" in the chorus I guess, Anyway, when my gf went onto iTunes to find it on the soundtrack dum dum dum the song wasn't on there. I dunno what it is or where to look. I've been at it for hours and this all I got. It's not the "Jump" Madonna song, she told me she had it and it wasn't it when I asked if it could be that bc of the other forum in some area on here. Any help would be awesome! Thanks people!
Ha Ha Found it! "Suddenly I See" by K.T. Tunstall Well that should help anyone else who's looking for it!
I'm looking for a few songs from the movie, which I don't think are included in the soundtrack.
The first is the song playing when Andie goes to the designer's loft to pick up a design, just before meeting the Chris Thompson character. No vocals. It's a mid tempo tune, if I recall.
I am also looking for the song that played during Andie's friend's art showing, the scene before she and her friend exchange words.

The only songs that are close are "Here I am" and "Feeling Hypnotized" or the ones by Bittersweet and U Two, but the samples are so short to know for sure.
I know exactly want your talking about. I'm a manager at a theater, so if I can, I'll swing by the movie and look for the songs at the ending credits because that's the only place I'll find it. I'm not making any promises.
What is the music playing in the background when Andy gets out of the car and throws her cell phone into the fountain in Paris? It is intrumental....does anyone know it?
the music is on the soundtrack. it's called "suite from the devil wears prada" (#12). it has three tunes in one track. the first tune is fast (the first time they show meryl streep), then it's the fountain tune, then the ending tune. i just got the soundtrack and it's great.
I'm not sure if I'll be of much help! Not my kind of movie so I wasn't really paying attention. :unsure: I was bored out of my mind (again, not my kind of movie -- at all), but I recognized lots of music that I actually happen to like. Anyway, here's what I remember...

The song playing when she enters the loft and the one playing when she meets Christian Thompson both have vocals. The first, right when she goes into the loft, is "Our Remains" by Bitter:Sweet, and the song playing when she meets him is "Seven Days in Sunny June" by Jamiroquai. Another Bitter:Sweet song, "Bittersweet Faith," is also playing while he's talking to her in the art gallery. I also recognized the music playing when her friend confronts her, but I can't remember what it is.

Hope that helps! (And if you like one Bitter:Sweet song, you'll probably like them all! I really love their album!)
Yep, he/she is definitly on point.

Yeah, that's the song I'm having a problem with, and the music when she throws her cell into the fountain. Unless, that was apart of the whole Suite score... :unsure:
Devil Wears Prada

During the movie I heard a song and I said "Oh I love that song, I'll have to remember it for when I get home." Well guess what, I can't. If I remember correctly It played during the runway scenes while they were in Paris. These scenes played right before the scene when they were all on the red carpet and she met up with Christian again and he asked her out. Anyways I would love some help! Thanks.
It's "City of Blinding Lights" by U2, just in case you didn't already find it.
Thank you Gooddisaster. Your suffering through the movie doesn't go unrecognized by me....and hopefully whoever joined you during the viewing. ;)

I checked out Bittersweet and have put them on my wish list. Thanks again!
Anyone know the song that's playing during the Urban Jungle scene.. where all the girls are dressed like animals?
I can't understand any of the lyrics.. lol.

Thanks in advance!
It's all good.. I found out what it was.

Alanis Morissette - Crazy
It is Alanis Morrisette - Crazy (covered from Seal) but its a remix. The James Michael Remix... its only on the Devil wears Prada soundtrack. You can find it on iTunes. Hooray iTunes. ;-)
When Anne Hathaway's character is in the restaurant with her father (I thnk this is where they play this song if not here then sometme when she is at a restaurant with her boyfriend and her friends), they play The Mama's and the Papa's song "Dream a LIttle Dream of Me" in French by a female singer. I have not been able to find it anywhere. I know it is not by Edith Piaf because she is an older singer and it just doesn't sound like her. If anyone knows who the singer is and if possibly they translates the title to french and it turned out to come out a little different then translating directly to "Dream a Little Dream of Me" (because sometimes translations aren't exact from the language they originated in) please let me know.
Got it.

"Les Yeux Ouverts" by Beautiful South.

I haven't heard it (haven't seen the movie), but it sounds like it might be nice, so I'll take a listen!
it was played during the breakup of andy and her went somethin like 'i cant speak,i cant speak to you' or smthg like dat.

another one was played when she was in the car at paris.i cant reall remb the lyrics but its a fast song and pretty 'happy'.

thanks alot !!
hello again, if i'm not wrong, the first song you're looking for is Bittersweet Faith by Bitter Sweet. Sorry but i'm still not too sure abt the second one