Target "Favorite Things"


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does anyone know which version (artistt/album) of the tune "a few of my favorite things" the ad uses?
I think i remember that ad. Can you describe the commercial more?
And if the singer was a woman, maybe it's the julie andrews version.
No it's definitely not Julie Andrews. Just a thought though, was Julie Andrews in the original score? Maybe that's where it's from..
I seem to remember it sounding much newer though. Might have just been an in-house performer brought in just for the ad. They do that sometimes..
i saw this ad today and there was no singer in it. it was just instrumental...

are there two versions of this ad?
Yeah, there must be. I saw it night, and it's definitely newer sounding, almost pop-y, with both male and female vocals. A jazzed up version of the original, very catchy. It might very well be on someone's Christmas album, though I don't know who.. my guess would be some female pop or R&B musician maybe.. didn't recognize the voice though.
That's kind of stupid to have an instrumental version and vocal version of the same ad... Guess they're trying to appeal to both sets -- old and young.

Lord knows, this being Target... No telling if it's studio musicians or otherwise! :rolleyes:
Rod Stewart maybe? I heard a vocal version last night (or maybe night before last), and I'm pretty sure it was Rod Stewart singing. Distinctive voice. Might sound funny, but I know he's released an album where he sings old standards like "Time Goes By". I've also heard an instrumental version in one of their ads at some point.
It wasn't him in the ad I saw.. the one I'm talking about had a predominant female voice with a man singing backup.. and I'm sure it wasn't Rod that I'm thinking of. Maybe he did another one?
Wow, guess there's at least three versions. If anyone is interested in the Rod Stewart version, check this page page out.
Anyone know who's singing "These are a few of my Favorite Things" on the new Target Xmas ad? The original version is from the 1960's "Sound of Music" musical, but that sure ain't Julie Andrews singing!
Does anyone know who the artist is that sings "My Favorite Things" in the new Target holiday commercial?

I want to guess that it's The Cardigans, but that's probably not right.
Hi. I've been skimming through the forums in hopes of finding out the artist or if this song is available anywhere for download.

It's for the Target holiday ad with the song, "These Are a Few of My Favorite Things" and it's the version with a woman singing (and a male in the background). Very modern with the "ba da ba ba da.." intro and whatnot. It was mentioned in a post and some others recently but I was just wondering if anyone has figured out who is singing on this version yet or not?

Thanks in advance.

I super-google'd and found the answer to my own question. I don't think any of us will have much luck finding a copy of this song for ourselves though.

The campaign is based on A Few of My Favorite Things sung this time by Rod Stewart. "Stewart and Target have a relationship," explained Kramer, "and Target wanted to use Rod’s voice in one of the spots." H&K lifted Stewart’s lyrics and laid new tracks underneath them, basically incorporating their music into the mix. For the second favorite things spot, they created a pop rhythm geared towards kids and used husband and wife duo Ryan Myrold and Heidi Jo Langseth for the vocals

Creative Channel News
thanks mmm for sharing your find!

i think the only version heard in the numerous ads, that is actually going to be available for public sale, is the rod stewart one that's on that cd someone pointed out a few replies up.
I emailed Target and they answered!

It is Rod Stewart. An album called All Things New Vol II. And of course the song is only on a special edition made for Target. That edition has the Bonus track. I guess that is why the track does not show on Napster's track for this cd.
Rod Stewart is only one of the many who have done versions of this song for the several commercials. The original poster said that it sounded like The Cardigans, so I'm guessing the Rod Stewart one is not what he's looking for since the Cardigans' lead singer is a woman.

BUT! Congratulations, you're probably the only person in the history of this forum that has received an email from Target that does NOT say "original composition". :rolleyes:
I emailed Target and they answered!

It is Rod Stewart. An album called All Things New Vol II. And of course the song is only on a special edition made for Target. That edition has the Bonus track. I guess that is why the track does not show on Napster's track for this cd.
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 22 2003, 11:52 AM
BUT! Congratulations, you're probably the only person in the history of this forum that has received an email from Target that does NOT say "original composition". :rolleyes:
no kidding... probably only strayed from their usual response because this time they've actually got the actual ad song in their store to sell for a change! :P