Summer Camp

:lol: Maybe he handcuffed his own foot to a rocket. :lol: :p

edit: Me no like grammar :leela:
Or did one of them Loony Toons gimmicks where there's a rope tied to the rocket and coiled at his feet and he steps in it.. :lol:
:lol: "What's this thing? What's the noise?"

*looks up at the rocket*

*follows the rope coming from the rocket to his foot*

"Oh, fu-AHHHHH!"
Hahah yeah yeah! And like, it does that thing where his body flies off but his eyeballs stay put for a few seconds. :lol:
Yeah, where have you been Erika? Do you have vampire pirate zombie ghost problems?

Cos Mel and I can fix that....
Oh can you?! :naughty:

Busy with School and since I'm moving I got rid of Internet at home, so library is the only time Ican see you guyes

:wub: youse
:eek: What's all this moving shit?? I didn't know you'd finalized anything. Where and when?
Yep. See? *points at my corpse on the ground* That's like +900 xp right there, pally boy.
Only 900 exp? Come on, I guess I need to put more points in Leadership to boost my combo exp. :D
somebody's been playin x-men legends...

uh.. not that I would know anything about that....


dammit..where's a shifty eyed smiley when you need one