Spiderman hax!!!

These are good too because me and a friend made them when we were super tired at like 6 in the morning one day. They aren't as funny as they were when we were making them but they still are good.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
OK I'm addicted now. I just woke up to call the store and now I can't go back to sleep because Conan rocks so hard. :blink: :lol:
Yeah Conan is friggin sweet. The one got me and my friends hooked was the Picard Song.

Check this one out, me and a friend made it, its pretty dumb but we think its hilarious. :D
:lol: :lol: I got like 3/4 of that.

edit: Yeah the Picard song is what got me looking at the other ones.
haha yeah. Picard is the one that gets everyone hooked.

Picard owns your soul!

that was the one that got me hooked too.
Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 6 2005, 02:40 PM
:lol: :lol: I got like 3/4 of that.

edit: Yeah the Picard song is what got me looking at the other ones.
Haha! Yeah I don't think we even knew what we were typing either. :lol:
*dying* If you want mushroom, shuddup. If you want broccoli, what the hell is broccoli anyway? Shudup wid the broccoli. If you want something crazy like pineapple I kill you.
Hey what is that music they play every time they show Brian Peppers? I love that shit.
Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 7 2005, 09:49 PM
*dying* If you want mushroom, shuddup. If you want broccoli, what the hell is broccoli anyway? Shudup wid the broccoli. If you want something crazy like pineapple I kill you.
:huh: eh.....kiwi?