:arrow: In case anyone hasn't reviewed our
Forum Rules yet, they state the following:
• Do not post MP3 or other illegal file download links or ask for such information.
This is not a file, "warez", or MP3 trading service. Do not ask for, or post information describing how to trade or share illegal mp3s, files, or sources for those types of activities. Just to be clear: This is a forum for trading song/music INFORMATION only, not questionable methods of acquiring those same songs illegally.
If you read the rules and are still questioning whether or not the information is allowed on our Forum, PM me and ask.
If you think a file could be questionable, and violate the music composer's copyright, you should contact them and ask their permission to distribute their file freely.
I would appreciate if members would read and abide by the rules set on this Forum. We take them seriously, and so should you.
:arrow: The last track heard in the Spider Man 2 trailer is callled "Lacrimosa." It is an original piece of music composed by a company called
Immediate Music, who composes a variety of music to be used in trailers, ads, movies, etc. They produce CDs with these music "cues" for agencies who pay a lot of money for them. The song heard in the trailer is the extent of what exists of the song. There are no longer versions, to my knowledge that exist. The song is not available for the general public to purchase.
Do not ask for, link to, or reply on this Forum regarding where to find copies of this song. If, in the highly unlikely event this song becomes available for purchase, we will post that information. The question has been answered, and this thread is being closed.