Hi there! I must appologize for signing up and immediatly asking for help, but I have searched and searched and found nothing
(I THOUGHT google was my friend
So anyway its on the new european only (as far as I can tell) Siemens SF65. A friend told me about the commercial. She said the song has a female voice kind of technoish, but couldn't make out the words. The Siemens SF65 is the newest phone from the company line in Europe. As far as I know it plays in Umea , which is in Sweden. She saw it moments before CSI, which was at 5:00pm in Umea. I do not know what channel, I will ask as soon as I talk to her, but its far apart that I talk to her with my job and everything.
The commercial had some people dancing, with a guy in a suit being the main attraction. Thats vaugue I know, sorry
If I get more info I will post below.
If anyone could help, I probably can't give anything in return, but a big thanks. I read the rules on posting, so I hope this is sufficient.
Thanks in advance to anyone that so much as looks for it, cheers!

So anyway its on the new european only (as far as I can tell) Siemens SF65. A friend told me about the commercial. She said the song has a female voice kind of technoish, but couldn't make out the words. The Siemens SF65 is the newest phone from the company line in Europe. As far as I know it plays in Umea , which is in Sweden. She saw it moments before CSI, which was at 5:00pm in Umea. I do not know what channel, I will ask as soon as I talk to her, but its far apart that I talk to her with my job and everything.
The commercial had some people dancing, with a guy in a suit being the main attraction. Thats vaugue I know, sorry

If anyone could help, I probably can't give anything in return, but a big thanks. I read the rules on posting, so I hope this is sufficient.
Thanks in advance to anyone that so much as looks for it, cheers!