She's All That


Fukushima hybrid gopher
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Ok, just before I switched channels to TNT to watch Goodbye Girl, USA began running She's All That. The opening songs 1st lyrics were "You walk this world like you're a ghost". Vocalist is male. Someone help! I want this song!! Please don't make me rent this movie just to view the credits because I'll do it! I swear!!! :blink:
Doh - dascoot typed faster than I did.

Searching Google for your lyric brought up the answer, by the way - Google is the best. ;)
DASCOOT!!! Thanks so much!! I found the soundtrack list of songs on IMDB but you saved me from needlessly researching lyrics.
Since time is money-Naps ain't cheap! You've saved me from missing mine! :lol:
Originally posted by jca@Jan 19 2004, 01:12 AM
Doh - dascoot typed faster than I did.

Searching Google for your lyric brought up the answer, by the way - Google is the best. ;)
Ick. I'm a Yahoo! girl all the way..
You do know that Yahoo used Googles search engine so much that they finally bought it. :huh:
OK, so then I must like Google too. But yet, I hate Google.. hmm..
That seems to be bad info. Can't verify on news sources yet. was taking the word of a friend who is rarely wrong about these things. Should have checked 1st. SORRY!!!! :(