Rubbing White Stuff


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a few years ago on MTV I saw a music video in which couples were lined up against a wall in a room and, one by one, they walked into the center of the room where they rubbed this white thing (it looked like a chunk of cottage cheese, I guess) on each other... the music (if i remember correctly) was kind of rockish... I can't get any more specific because I've forgotten... but if anyone knows what band this may be, I'd love to know

also, I remember another video where these women were running after the members of a band and as they did so they were killed off... this Greek looking lady jumping of a bridge or something...

yeah, so if have any ideas, let me know
Originally posted by FashionFaux-Pas@Oct 11 2004, 11:17 AM
here goes nothing...

a few years ago on MTV I saw a music video in which couples were lined up against a wall in a room and, one by one, they walked into the center of the room where they rubbed this white thing (it looked like a chunk of cottage cheese, I guess) on each other...
Oooooh! Very yuck! :o
So, these are two different videos by different bands, or the same band?

I have no clue either, though. :(
I asked this awhile back, but the thread seems to have been lost in the shifting of threads or whatever... heres my question again:

I wanted to know the artist and/or song of a music video I saw on MTV back in 2000 or 2001 (or somewhere around then).

It involved a bunch of couples lined up against a wall and, one by one, a couple would step down from the line into the center of the room where they would sit on a mattress and rub this big block of white stuff on each other. Really strange, but what I can remember of the image intrigued me.

I'm almost positive it was male vocals with a sort of rockish sound. Not sure though.
I remember the video for "Lakini's Juice" by Live had people participating in some kind of orgy-like activity similar to what you described.
hey!!! that's the one... thank you!!

now, if i could only find the other video in question....