Roxio song?


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This has gone unfound for over a year now. I remember loving the music in a Roxio ad, but could never find it anywhere. This as is over a y ear old now, All I can remmeber from it is how the camera filmed it. It shows a record player playing the song in question. It just really films the room and the people in it but panning back and forth throughout the room. The record player should give this ad some distinction i hope. Sorry it is a small amount of information, but I thought I would ask anyway. Thanks so much!
I think the ad entitled 'Messenger' is the one you're referring to.

View it here (Work > Roxio > TV > 01).

There are three tracks used. Which one are you looking for?
Sophist, you are one impressive dude. Thats unbeliveable you found that ad! Do you ever work those google queries people aska nd pay money for the answers? You should, your top shelf my friend. Ya, thats the one. I am looking for the one at the end of the commercial, where its the actually track he burned, plays while kid is in desk with bike. Thanks again man, simply amazing talent people on this board have..