Rage Against the Machine


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I'm upstairs in the ol' Math Hall, and I was parched. I needed a beverage! So, I reached into the depths of my pocket, pulled out my loose change, and determined that I had exactly ONE DOLLAR in change. Enough for one 20 OZ bottle of Dasani Water.

So I go to the Dasani vending machine, put all of my change in, and the fucking piece of shit tells me I only put in 90 cents. "Excuse me, Mr. Machine," said I, "I believe you're mistaken. I put one dollar in." However, the machine insisted that I only put 90 cents in.

I, having only one minute until class, decided not to argue with the machine, so I pressed the button to get my money back.

Mr. Machine decided to only give me 75 cents back.

So, the fucking whore lied to me, and stole from me! FUCK YOU, MACHINE!

Oh, and what in the hell is this? It was on CNN.
^ El maccino es muy mega homosexuale.

Machines hate me too. But I have plans...
last time a vending machine took my money i punched it about 3 or 4 times and then it gave me back my money..
Well then, aren't we all lucky it didn't fall on your muscular body and crush you to death.
i did that too. :)

but it actually did crunch me to my death.
Originally posted by dascoot@Oct 4 2005, 08:03 PM
Well then, aren't we all lucky it didn't fall on your muscular body and crush you to death.
you so funny Mel.. how are you?
so.. has anyone seen the movie about the girl that was posessed.. i belive the name of it is "The Posession of Emily somehting or another.. " anyway the reason that i was wondering is because me and the girl are going to see it tomorrow night and i was just wondering if it is a good movie.