Nick at Nite Hello Again

I heard that commercial and wanted that song as well. Its called Hello Again, by The Cars.
It sounds like a very popular late 70's/mid 80's song, and it keeps repeating the lyrics "Hello" over and over again. but its NOT the Neil Diamond or the Lionel Ritchie song.

In the commercial, it shows a bunch of clips for a TON of different songs. its like a motion slideshow, so I don't know... It sounds very familiar, but I have no idea what the song is.

Can anyone help?
I would like to apologize, someone else covered this topic under a different name it was the "nick at night" commercial, with Bill Cosby in it.

I saw this commercial on VH1, so I apologize to everyone.

By the way, in case anyone else wanted to know, the name of the song was "Hello Again" by "The Cars". Thank you again, and sorry.
Okay, since googling the song "hello" brings up several hundred different artists, can anybody tell me what artist performs the song in that Nick at Nite commercial which features The Cosbys, Full House and Fresh Prince clips with colored graphics set to an 80s like tune whose lyrics are simply "Hello......Hello!.....hello...Hello!" and ends off I believe with "Hello Again", althought I could be imagining that last part.

The spot is called Nick at Nite "Hello Again"
hey, does anyone know the song for the nick at night commercial that says "hello again" and has clips of all the sitcoms dancing. Thanks