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Well now that's just plain silly, do you know most of the French population?

They could just as easily say all Americans are stupid and arrogant.

Or all Germans pee on each other.

Or all Irish pop out babies and beat the shit out of each other.

I can only go by the ones I've met.
Using those individuals as a test sampling for the whole I would have to assume that the entire population are assholes.
However, I will give them the benefit of the doubt and guess that there must be a few who aren't and that I simply have yet to meet one. ;)
Well I know you're only half-serious Fitz, and don't take offence, but to explain my anger at the comment.. it reminded me of this little redneck kid I know, a friend of my brother's, who declares that he hates all black people - "black people" of course not being the term he uses - because one stole his bike when he was 6. And he's so serious, that's the foundation for his entire hatred. It's ignernt.
Well I've met several thousand frenchmen. They have quite the little aerospace program of their own and though it's been quite some time I used to have to work hand in hand with the arrogant little pricks.
They ask for our help and act as though they're doing us a favor in the asking. They treat us like crap the whole time we're there and they don't effing shower very often.
As I said. I admit they can't possibly represent the entire population but........

They also treat American women quite differently than they do American men.
At first. ;)
Well then it'd be more accurate to say that intelligent scientist Frenchmen in positions of power and authority are arrogant. And couldn't that just as easily be said about most of their American counterparts? Present company excluded of course. ;) :wub:

I'm just sayin that I'm tired of the entire world hating Americans because they think we're all exactly like the few examples they've seen.. and so it's only fair to think the same way about everyone else. *shrug*

Don't mind me, I'll go back to tending my hemp garden and painting rainbows on my arms.
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 24 2005, 04:11 PM
Don't mind me, I'll go back to tending my hemp garden and painting rainbows on my arms.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I said that there must be some decent ones and that I just haven't met any. :P ;) And these guys weren't exactly powerful. They were just my french counterparts. But really. In South America you should take at least one shower a day. Puhleeeeez. :P
Originally posted by givemfitz@Aug 24 2005, 07:18 PM
And these guys weren't exactly powerful. They were just my french counterparts.
I think you're powerful Fitz. *le wink*

Besides, Frohnce eez zee lahnd of zee steenky cheese, non? Maybe Au de Crotchrot is a thing of beauty to them. They think Jerry Lewis is comedy personified after all so we know there's no accounting for taste.
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 24 2005, 06:24 PM
They think Jerry Lewis is comedy personified after all so we know there's no accounting for taste.
That reminded me of Woody Allen's 'Hollywood Ending'... He plays a director who becomes blind during his movie project. The movie turns out horrible, he get's awful reviews, he is done for as a director. And then the french hail it as the greatest movie ever made! ("Thank god the French still exist!") :lol: Not one of Allen's best work, but still funny.

I have a Frech guy working under me. He's exactly like the caricature. It took a while, but I finally was able to draw him out. It's just the culture, i guess. He dowsn't realize some of his responses are so abrupt. ( me: "so what do you think, F?" him: " I DON"T KNOW! YOU TELL ME! I'LL DO WHAT YOU TELL ME!") Then I tell him, "guy, i'm trying to get your input..." and he's like "OH! I WAS IN THE ARMY! NOBODY EVER ASKED ME ANYTHING" He's a nice guy. At least he showers everyday! :lol:
Originally posted by cultclassic@Aug 24 2005, 06:45 PM
Then I tell him, "guy, i'm trying to get your input..." and he's like "OH! I WAS IN THE ARMY! NOBODY EVER ASKED ME ANYTHING" He's a nice guy. At least he showers everyday! :lol:
:lol: :lol:

I wanna work under you :whistle: :angel:
Originally posted by cultclassic@Aug 24 2005, 07:45 PM
:lol: That sounds like a certain ex-Navy fella I know, who can't make a simple decision like what he wants for dinner because he hadn't thought for himself in 5 years. <_<