New Years Resolutions

hee hee! good ^_^

*lies on my bed reading a book and smiles at you*

Is that like shampoo for pagans? because i'm a christian :angel:
:rolleyes: Say it out loud. You're the one that said it to me once. Remember Futurama?
It's a term of endearment, like calling someone Honey or Sweetie.
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 26 2005, 06:14 PM
It's a term of endearment, like calling someone Honey or Sweetie.

finny americans... eh, not that blegian people are any better of course
our word for a male cat is the same word we use for a hangover
Our word for a male cat is the same word for a sexually promiscuous person. :eek:k:
Originally posted by dascoot@Dec 26 2005, 07:11 PM
Our word for a male cat is the same word for a sexually promiscuous person. :eek:k:
promiscous...yea, i know what that means, yea, its easy, lol thats very funny :unsure:
Originally posted by goodasgold@Dec 26 2005, 01:02 PM
I resolve to have 1000 posts by the end of the year. :unsure:
don't do it, don't pass the point of no return