Napoleon Dynamite

does anyone know where i can find the song that Kip sings to LaFawnduh at thier wedding? lyrics? the song itself?
What wedding?! All I remember was them getting on a bus and leaving town! And I just saw it tonight!
You turned it off as soon as the credits started to roll, didn't you?!
you have to sit through the whole credits sequence to see the wedding part, i think it makes for a great ending to the movie! thanks sophist!
What's the song that starts playing just as Napoleon hangs up the phone after talking to Pedro about his speech? It's when his uncle throws a football and hits the camera. It's a keyboard piece.
I'm trying to find the name of the song that in one of the last scenes of Napoleon Dynamite. It sounds like it has an accordian playing and it's not on the soundtrack. I've heard it other places but I cannot think of where. Can anyone help? Thanks in advance.
I'm looking for the song during the opening credits.. it sounds SO familiar
"GEEZ! I'm such an idiot!"

Does anyone know what song is being played when Napoleon is picked up on his dance date by the lowriders?

"More Bounce to the Ounce" by Zapp
