I made up this kick....butt fight scene in my head and wanted to share it with someone...and since typing is easier for me than talking...well here it is....tell me what ya think....
Uhh maybe I should give the low down on the scenario first.
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I= Forest filled with creatures
O1 O= A Warrior within the clan
O2 O3 O4
O5 O6 O7O8 O9 O10 O11
O12 O13
1. The Strongest member of the Clan, not the leader of the clan, but the Trump Card basically. Carries a double sword cas on his back.
2. The Leader of the clan. Has a Shield and sword
3. Huge Warrior, the most well built member of the clan, 6 foot something you get the picture.
4. The Thief member of the clan. The agile member.
5. A Female Archer. Average level of power.
6. A ninja in the clan. Carries two swords.
7. A fighter of the clan. Getting train by number 1.
8. The male Archer of the Clan. third strongest member of the clan. holds strongest bow and two axes.
9. A white mage in the clan, basically someone who uses healing magic. Getting trained by number 11.
10. The black mage of the clan. meaning the one you uses offensive magic.
11. The Lead Mage of the clan.
12. Youngest member of the clan. carries sword and shield like leader and is getting trained by the leader.
13. the Paladin Knight. Second strongest member of the clan.
Ok phew...
A creature with in the woods is being focused on. He's carrying 5-6 cases filled with arrows around his waist. He holds his bow in his right hand and with his left he pulls out an arrow. Looking through the trees, he sees the clan approach. Puts the arrow with in the bow and aims at number 2.
number 1 is walking with his clan and all of a sudden stops. number two looks at number one as he puts his hand out. The arrow comes spiralling towards number 2, number grabs it but it slips through his fingers and number pulls his shield over his head. 1 grabs it by the tip, and holds it. 2 and 1 look at each other. 1 drops the arrow to look at his hand. 2 turns around and shouts "everyone stand still". 1 kneels forward and puts his left hand on one sword and his right on the other.
All 15 creatures pull 5 arrows out of one of there cases and load it on to there bows. Pulling the string back they let them all go as the fly towards there enemies.
1 pulls out his blades and knocks the arrows down to the ground. As different as begin to go towards different targets 1 begins to teleport in mid air and shoot the arrows away. 4 whispers "almost time...NOW!!!!!!!!". 11 pulls up the bearier he was summoning and 1 falls to his knees. All the arrows get deflected by the barrier and fall, but they keep shooting. 12 confused not understanding whats going on looks for answers. 2 yells to 12 to not to do anything. 9 and 10 pull 1 to the back of the barrier as 9 begins to heal him. 12 notices 11 in deep concentration. He begins to notice 3 becoming tense as if hes ready to strike, 5 and 8 both pull out a single arrow and load it onto their bows. 12 looks towards 4 and notices something huge cloaked within his garment... some sort of weapon. a club? mace...? 2 kneels forward getting ready. the creatures empty their first two cases as so take a pause to pull off their cases and pull two from behind forward. As soon as they are set they begin to fire again. 2 yells tensley "just a little bit longer.
the creatures empty those cases and move to their last case.
Now! 11 lets go of the barrier and drops to his knees. 4 takes one step forward and chucks the weapon cloaked which was a hammer forward. 3 runs forward and grabs the hammer slamming it into the ground. The shake cause a huge rupture moving the land up making a form of a shield for the clan. 2 runs forward and leaps onto 3's shoulders and jumps over the makeshift barrier. he lands firmly on the ground and runs forward.
The creature in front sees 2 running towards him and struggles to load his bow.
2 runs forward, pushing the creature who is about the same height as him back to the tree behind him with the force of his shield crushing his ribs. He inserts his blade of cold steel into the creatures chest as it lets out a moan. two creatures begin to come towards him one from each side. at his left, a creature with two blades. creature strikes with his right first. 2 uses his shield to knock down the blade and then pushes his other weapon down with his sword, then he whips his sword back slicing the creatures neck, killing him....dead!
the creature comes from behind to attack but 9 launches and arrow right into its skull.
2 drops an item and steps back as creatures come to swarm him from both sides. the item expodes killing the creatures and pushing 2 farther into the forest....
whaddaya think...?
Uhh maybe I should give the low down on the scenario first.
I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I= Forest filled with creatures
O1 O= A Warrior within the clan
O2 O3 O4
O5 O6 O7O8 O9 O10 O11
O12 O13
1. The Strongest member of the Clan, not the leader of the clan, but the Trump Card basically. Carries a double sword cas on his back.
2. The Leader of the clan. Has a Shield and sword
3. Huge Warrior, the most well built member of the clan, 6 foot something you get the picture.
4. The Thief member of the clan. The agile member.
5. A Female Archer. Average level of power.
6. A ninja in the clan. Carries two swords.
7. A fighter of the clan. Getting train by number 1.
8. The male Archer of the Clan. third strongest member of the clan. holds strongest bow and two axes.
9. A white mage in the clan, basically someone who uses healing magic. Getting trained by number 11.
10. The black mage of the clan. meaning the one you uses offensive magic.
11. The Lead Mage of the clan.
12. Youngest member of the clan. carries sword and shield like leader and is getting trained by the leader.
13. the Paladin Knight. Second strongest member of the clan.
Ok phew...
A creature with in the woods is being focused on. He's carrying 5-6 cases filled with arrows around his waist. He holds his bow in his right hand and with his left he pulls out an arrow. Looking through the trees, he sees the clan approach. Puts the arrow with in the bow and aims at number 2.
number 1 is walking with his clan and all of a sudden stops. number two looks at number one as he puts his hand out. The arrow comes spiralling towards number 2, number grabs it but it slips through his fingers and number pulls his shield over his head. 1 grabs it by the tip, and holds it. 2 and 1 look at each other. 1 drops the arrow to look at his hand. 2 turns around and shouts "everyone stand still". 1 kneels forward and puts his left hand on one sword and his right on the other.
All 15 creatures pull 5 arrows out of one of there cases and load it on to there bows. Pulling the string back they let them all go as the fly towards there enemies.
1 pulls out his blades and knocks the arrows down to the ground. As different as begin to go towards different targets 1 begins to teleport in mid air and shoot the arrows away. 4 whispers "almost time...NOW!!!!!!!!". 11 pulls up the bearier he was summoning and 1 falls to his knees. All the arrows get deflected by the barrier and fall, but they keep shooting. 12 confused not understanding whats going on looks for answers. 2 yells to 12 to not to do anything. 9 and 10 pull 1 to the back of the barrier as 9 begins to heal him. 12 notices 11 in deep concentration. He begins to notice 3 becoming tense as if hes ready to strike, 5 and 8 both pull out a single arrow and load it onto their bows. 12 looks towards 4 and notices something huge cloaked within his garment... some sort of weapon. a club? mace...? 2 kneels forward getting ready. the creatures empty their first two cases as so take a pause to pull off their cases and pull two from behind forward. As soon as they are set they begin to fire again. 2 yells tensley "just a little bit longer.
the creatures empty those cases and move to their last case.
Now! 11 lets go of the barrier and drops to his knees. 4 takes one step forward and chucks the weapon cloaked which was a hammer forward. 3 runs forward and grabs the hammer slamming it into the ground. The shake cause a huge rupture moving the land up making a form of a shield for the clan. 2 runs forward and leaps onto 3's shoulders and jumps over the makeshift barrier. he lands firmly on the ground and runs forward.
The creature in front sees 2 running towards him and struggles to load his bow.
2 runs forward, pushing the creature who is about the same height as him back to the tree behind him with the force of his shield crushing his ribs. He inserts his blade of cold steel into the creatures chest as it lets out a moan. two creatures begin to come towards him one from each side. at his left, a creature with two blades. creature strikes with his right first. 2 uses his shield to knock down the blade and then pushes his other weapon down with his sword, then he whips his sword back slicing the creatures neck, killing him....dead!

2 drops an item and steps back as creatures come to swarm him from both sides. the item expodes killing the creatures and pushing 2 farther into the forest....
whaddaya think...?