My posts keep being completely ignored.

racy pictures always seem to help....

just a suggestion....
hold on a cotton-pickin moment! why is that there are so many people who joined AT like a year after me and have like fifty thousand more posts than me... :(

eg. YOU!

yeah you're probably right...

just look at my sig! :lol:

By the way, easilywow, you think YOUR posts get ignored, I started a topic that was called "Flying Spaghetti Monster" that's received almost no can you NOT reply to a topic called that?!?!?

(by the way, it actually WAS about the Flying Spaghetti Monster)
Originally posted by easilywow@Oct 9 2005, 05:28 AM
Did I do something wrong?
Seriously, I'm worried.
:huh: not that i know of.....and, come to think of it, i hardly SEE any of your posts
It's called gerneral discussion. Lots of posts and topics get ''ignored'' you shouldn't take it personal. You should take someone flipping you the bird, or your friend not saying hi or a stanger burping in your face personal. Not anything here
Zactly.. and for what it's worth I loved the Flying Spaghetti Monster, just didn't know what to say in response and I'm being anti-social this week besides. :)
Originally posted by Enyone@Oct 10 2005, 02:34 AM
or a stanger burping in your face

yeah plus we all have ADD anyway. so it's nothing you've done.

Go burp in somebody's face and you'll feel cheery again!
Oh shut up andy.

My posts get ignored too.. well a good chunk of them anyways. I bet if you did a search for my username at least half of them have been ignored. But then I'm probably being dramatic, if I don't get attention I tend to panic.

But yeah I haven't seen you posting lately lynda. And, you haven't been on aim much either. Tsk tsk young lady.

Now I'm off to write in my blog to the two people who read it. I have issues :)
Originally posted by a_iver@Oct 9 2005, 10:00 PM
Now I'm off to write in my blog to the two people who read it.
Three. I don't comment, I stalk. :)
You should really comment. Just say hi or something. that's usually what i do.