do you mean
Kenna - Freetime? Let me know if this is it, cause I heard a 30sec clip of this song the first time on CRIBS Naomi Campbell, w/o lyrics so I couldn't find it anywhere... then i heard it again on rich girls with some lyrics, went on google and after a long searching time found it on one of the lyrics sites; the trick is to include only the parts of the lyrics you're sure about and put them between double quotes e.g. "part of the lyrics" "another part of the lyrics" in the google query, double quotes force google to search only the exact phrase. add 'lyrics' w/o quotes to the query if the query is too common. this technique is very very good.
I then heard the song everywhere on Room Raiders, Real World, Newlyweds...
It is probably a good idea to build a communication partnership eg via email with the mtv sound editors or at least the PR people of MTV, asking them to retrieve the song info based on show name, date and time aired, ..., so they'll recognize the need for them to put EVERY background music clip information they're using, somewhere on the internet. they should just add a music section to the episode guide.of every show on, like they already do with MADE or Real World on
the more people requesting song information from MTV, the quicker they'll establish a more thorough platform.
Living in Austria, Europe unfortunately I only get a small portion of American MTV shows which I love, so I'm counting on you guys!