After doing an inventory of DVD collection, I realized that there are movie cliches (IE: standard movie plots and characters) that continuously get used and abused.
And here are a few:
1.) The unsung no-name athlete from nowhere comes in to play and ends up being a "Hero" of some kind after winning the "Big Game" of some kind. (IE: Rudy, Invinceble..and so on)
2.) An athlete of prominance goes through some sort of hardship like an injury or drug problem, only to return in time for the "Big Game" and win it for his team. (IE: The Replacements and others of this kind)
3.) The lowely unknown driver is not respected or liked and then he becomes a "Hero" by winning races and doing some kind of heroic act and gaining the support and respect of his rivals. (IE: Days of Thunder, Driven)
4.) The prominant fighter/boxer is "counted out" in life and looses everything, only to take "that one last fight" and win glory by defeating an opponent who obviously was bigger and better. (IE: Rocky movies, and the like)
5.) The Military leader who never surrenders and fights to the death against a much larger enemy and unbeatable odds. knowing when fighting that he, of course, faces certain death with his soldiers. (IE: Gettysburg, 300...and so on...)
6.) The rebel "hot shot" pilot or Quarterback or soldier or rookie cop all of the sudden becomes grown-up and a man and does some extraordinary task to win the game, deafeat the enemy or catch the worst criminal. (IE: Any given Sunday, Top Gun, The Rookie)
7.) A police officer/detective or military figure seeks revenge after his partner, best friend, mentor, student or traniee is killed/murdered by a gang, criminal or enemy. (IE: Black Rain, "Die Hard movies"...and so on)
8.) The song "Free Bird" being played @ the end of a movie where the Likeable villains are ready to go out in a blaze of glory @ the hands of the police or escape to freedom after some unimaginable caper is successful. (IE: Devils Rejects, Ocean's 11...Gone in 60 seconds)
9.) Some aspiring teacher joins a school in a bad area of the city full of gang violence, bad kids, or kids that are characterized as being stupid. And forces the students to believe in themselves and do good in school....which, of course, leads to the High School becoming less violent and all the kids become smarter or better athletes or some kind of betterment befalls the school because of that one new teacher who made a differance. (IE: Dangerous Minds, Coach Carter, Freedom Writers)
Thank you for reading my post