Mercedes-Benz Summer Event drive-in


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This commercial begins at a retro looking drive-thru, and the song is some guitar riff that sounds really familar but I can't put my finger on where I've heard it before.

It sounds like something that would be playing in a Remember The Titans type movie, but I've never heard this version before. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
There's a commcercial that I've been seeing all day during the world cup for the new M class and there's an old song that doesn't have any words and for some reason, I wanna say it's been a movie related to baseball. Any idea? Thanks guys
no one has anything for me? they do a chinese fire drill in it if that helps.
what is the name of that song? i've never heard it before. the guy is driving down the street and he turns on the radio, and it starts playing. it has no words, just music
This commercial is for Mercedez Benz Summer Event, cars are pulling into a neon lit drive in resturant. Richard Thomas is the voice. The music I have heard off and on for years but never knew the name. I think its classified as a "jazz" tune. Anybody know the name of the music?

My wife is dying to know the song used in a relatively new Mercedes Benz ad. I think it refers to summer romance. (I keep coming in on the end of the spot). It sound slike a 70's tune and it is all instrumental I think. I could not find the ad on Mer-Benz web site. Any help? Thanks.
thanks for replying. Not it is not summer breeze. I believe the song that is used is all instrumental, not just the clip in the spot. I have heard it before, but I just can't place the name or artist.
There's a commercial for the Mercedes Benz Summer Event event that features background music w/out lyrics. The setting is some kind of 50s diner w/people on rollerskates , I think. The instrument is a guitar & the beat seems familiar. It sounds 70s or 80s. Please tell me if u know the song!