Member Name Sightings Contest

I always wondered what little kids with Tourette's would yell out. Like, until they know the big ones. Is it like "BOOGER DOG BUTT BOOBIES!!"?

This is a serious question too, I'm not makin fun of people with the disease. I have a touch of it meself I think.
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 22 2006, 03:45 PM
I always wondered what little kids with Tourette's would yell out. Like, until they know the big ones. Is it like "BOOGER DOG BUTT BOOBIES!!"?

This is a serious question too, I'm not makin fun of people with the disease. I have a touch of it meself I think.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

I think I do too!
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 22 2006, 12:45 PM
I always wondered what little kids with Tourette's would yell out. Like, until they know the big ones. Is it like "BOOGER DOG BUTT BOOBIES!!"?

This is a serious question too, I'm not makin fun of people with the disease. I have a touch of it meself I think.
:lol: :lol: said booger.... :lol: ...and butt..... :lol:
Yep, I can see it now: "Stupid, butt, booger, licker-mud sucker spit!!" :lol:

I'm going to hell... <_<
I used to think "shut up" was a swear, and I just found a picture yesterday of me when I was 4, and I had hated the picture so much that I wrote "chat up" on it. I guess that was phonetics.
Sorry I had to say it:

Zoolander's here! :D I love "Blue Steel"

Okay, I'm really going to bed. G'night.