

Senior Member
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Yeah, I really like this site a lot. I like just became a rookie after being on it for a few.. I just hate when my questions don't get answered, I know that SOMEONE must know the answer. but anyways, its great and I would like to meet some people who can answer questions on this site as well.. I just thought it would be good to have my own "meet people" post

cheers :blink:
I've already talked to you but I'll put an offical "hello" on your thread. :)
yeah, Sir Garland, you have been poppin up everywhere! well its nice to officially meet you.. guy or girl? curious <_<
thats what I was thinking ahah.. just wondering because of the name, but thats cool
The name is just because that's an email I have.

So we have another Canadian, eh?
yes, yes you do. you're saying it as if though you have a bunch on this server.. :huh:
tres cool.. well I could probably say i am proud to be Canadian B)
but I would like to say that everyone so far on this site have been so nice :rolleyes:

its great
I'm glad you like it so far. Obviously some of us enjoy this site so much that we are here daily. :D
yeah, I'm here everyday.. always checking the forums out.. theres like new shit every 10 mins
Never a dull moment. :P Well, actually there are but that's the best response I could come up with at the moment.
haha nice.. yeah well you're right.. I mean I get hits back and everything the sam day.. thats good enough for me :D
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Apr 19 2006, 07:32 PM
Aloha/Mahalo. Your avatar is officially grossing me out.. <_<

Don't change your avatar. A real man wouldn't.

Btw, Yo.
yeah, sketchyrx needs to calm down.. I read that smae thing she said in every forum I've been in :blink: TAKE IT EASY!! its just a creature from doom 3 :D
To be fair, it does look like bloody phlegm and some people have an aversion to slimy stuff.
yeah, well I like it. I will change the pic wen i find something else.. it was kind of a quick pick.. but like doom 3 is my fav game, so i thought I would express that :P