Look What I Just Won!!!!

nah nah It just reminded me of a really terrifying experience as a child that I wish not to ever have to see again..... :(
What, did you have a lightening fast developmental phase one day and acquire cognitive thought in the middle of nursing?
Pick a random number between 1 million and 5.

Then divide it by another number

Now you have a 1 in a....... lot... of chances that you got his age correct.
Originally posted by sickboy@Feb 1 2006, 09:45 PM
you've already asked me that.
And you didn't answer. All I know is that you were alive in 1978.
i hate to tell people my age.
they never believe me when i tell them.
i'm sorry if that sounds rude.
i don't mean to change the subject, but have any of you seen the video of the sheriff shooting the soldier in california?
because the sheriff shot him for no reason.
the guy was doing everything that the sheriff was telling him to do, then the sheriff tells him to stand up and shoots him three times.