LG steam washer


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Well this lady is using a washing machine and the LG logo is at the end and i believe it says "life is good" under it. The music is an instrumental guitar thing. if anyone knows let me know if no thanks anyway
what song is playing during this ad? it's been playing a lot on TNT and the song sounds familiar but I can't place it. thanks in advance.
I LOVE the music in this commercial! I searched everywhere on the Internet and asked every related forum on craigslist and noone can tell me what this music is! At least tell me what KIND of music it is... SOMETHING! I love it.
yea this is a good one please help us out

the lady is in a light blue dress walking through the city, through spots of steam, she goes home, throws her dress in the washer, then puts it back on before going out with her date

song is instrumental kinda upbeat
It sounds a lot like "I don't know if she's worth 900 Kr" by Jens Lekman. I'm pretty sure that they used the beat for that commercial.
I'm desperate for this song also...it almost sounds like an instrumental version of "Heatwave" by Martha Reeve and the Vandellas....but with more trumpet (?). Hopefully someone can find it. I've been searching all over the internet with no luck.
It sounds NOTHING like this Lekman song - I just downloaded this song and I have no idea what commercial you saw but it wasnt the LG Steam Washer one :)... Nice song though.
i think i can help

i'm not 100% sure but it sounds like a jazzed up version of the song "black and white town" by Some Cities. i actually like some cities' version better -- if the one from the commercial is even a remix at all. that lead may just help you find who made the song for the commercial. although it might be one of those "just-for-the-add" songs.

hope i've helped a little.

it does sound a bit like heatwave as well, but you can see that the beat is pretty much exactly the same as black and white town. lol
The song is by Doves....Some Cities is the album title. But, I don't think the LG commercial sounds like that song....I have a feeling it was made just for the commercial. <_< :(
yeah im sorry you're right, the artist is Doves, but the song is called "Black and White Town". "Some Cities" is another song by the same artist from the album, confusingly titled, "Some Cities" as well :rolleyes: . listen to "Black and White Town" because that's the one i'm thinking of and it definitely sounds like the one from the commercial.
Really? I don't hear the similarity. I love that Doves song though but I don't feel like it's the right one.
well i think it does, maybe not. i'm thinking of the music that plays while he sings the verse, the relaxed part with the piano. the beat sounds exactly like heatwave, which was your first guess right? maybe that wasnt you. heatwave and black and white town sound SOOO similar. lol

but the song in the commercial has a very similar melody and the same beat except with a trumpet, its sounds like they made it over with a jazz band instead of a rock band. i don't know, maybe i'm off. i actually saw the commercial just before my first post, and that doves song pop in my head. i figured i'd come on here and suggest it.
Yeah, that was me that guessed Heatwave. I could be wrong, but that was what first came to mind...just with more trumpet. Who knows, maybe someone will figure it out one of these days. ;)
ok...if this is the same commercial...the song sounds extremely similar to jen lekman's song "a sweet summer's night on hammer hill"...BUT the thing is...there is no way in hell jen's would lend his music to a freggin washer commercial...strangely the music in the commercial sounds errily similar...hmmm taken and tweaked without permission??
wow, that beat is becoming increasingly unoriginal with every song i hear it on. :D

there must have been 100s of songs made throughout history with that same beat.. lets post them all right here in this thread lmao.
I was also trying to find this song the other day. But I actually think it's NOT Jens Lekman. Clarification from his website ...

I read it quickly (so I could be mistaken) but it seems like he was approached to have them use the song, said no, but then decided to rework it as a new song for them, gave it to them, but then they ended up not using it and instead used something very derivative?
Ugh... I usually hate it when people reply to these threads without reading all of the answers, and now I've done it... sorry :-) -- For the record, I think Jens Lekman got ripped off, ripping off Heat Wave.
I actually believe the song in the commercial is a B-side remix from, of all groups, Wham. It was an instrumental Double-Tracker remix of their "The Edge of Heaven" song with Martha Reeves "Heatwave" song. Bottomline is that it is definitely the song "Heatwave". However, it was tweaked enough with trombone and trumpet in a danceable remix sort of way, that it is a catchy 30 second tune for a commercial. I'm digging through all of my CDs and DVDs of MP3s in the hopes of finding the rare mix to prove myself right or wrong.