Last Good Movie You Saw house is freezing....let me get a coat or somethin...and maybe some warm socks.......gotta turn on the heater....brrrrrrrrr
Originally posted by drizzt_fan14@Dec 26 2005, 08:24 AM
I didn't think Batman Begins is all that great. :unsure: The fight scenes were terrible, the camera moved around so much I couldn't tell what the heck was going on.
That is how all movies are nowadays, I liked Batman Begins.
I'm watching 'Crash' right now. I'm surprised at how good it is. I can tell I'm gonna cry though.
we watched it the other night. thought it was okay. i liked the locksmith dude and his daughter... such a sweet storyline.
i haven't seen many good movies lately that i remember. kind of want to see that new movie Munich.
Originally posted by michelle@Jan 6 2006, 11:31 AM
i haven't seen many good movies lately that i remember. kind of want to see that new movie Munich.
I heard Munich was very good.
okay, I don't get out much so I'm stuck with HBO and Stars but I finally saw House of Flying Daggers... OMG, I loved that movie.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Jan 28 2006, 01:30 AM
okay, I don't get out much so I'm stuck with HBO and Stars but I finally saw House of Flying Daggers... OMG, I loved that movie.
ive been wanting to see that
I'm not a subtitles person but this movie was just beautiful and really it had a lot of plot twists at the end.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Jan 27 2006, 03:57 PM
I'm not a subtitles person but this movie was just beautiful and really it had a lot of plot twists at the end.
man, I know. I was kinda confused at the end :wacko:
I saw Underworld Evolution last night, wasn't that good. Kate Beckensale kept my interest though. :naughty: Those pants she wears.... SNAP!!!!!