Las Vegas Season 2


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Does any one know what song Clint Black sung two weeks ago when he guest starred in the NBC show Las Vegas?
Las Vegas

There were a few seconds of a song I caught when we turned on Vegas. Probably halfway through the show.

I think the scene had some blond haired guy that had been busted for something, a comment along the line of "you had no idea what you have got yourself into".

The clip started out with some dos and dahs and dums maybe, and then I think the lyrics "I'm sorry..."

Not a lot to go by, but hey. Maybe someone remembers it and knows what it was.

May or may not be related to a song I heard on one of the late night talk shows lately too.

It was definitely Jem's "They". The CD is awesome. :)

Lyrics here:
Who made up all the rules
We follow them like fools
Believe them to be true
Don't care to think them through

I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry we do this

And it's ironic too
Coz what we tend to do
Is act on what they say
And then it is that way

I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this
I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry we do this

Who are they
where are they
how can they possibly
know this
Who are they
where are they
how can they possibly
know all this

Do you see what I see
Why do we live like this
Is it because it's true
that ignorance is bliss

Who are they
where are they
how do they
know all this
I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry it's like this

Do you see what I see
Why do we live like this
Is it because it's true
that ignorance is bliss

who are they
where are they
how can they
know all this
And I'm sorry so sorry
I'm sorry we do this
Las Vegas, 11/29/04

Hi there, looking for a song played during 11/29/04's episode, "Silver Star".

The song played during at least one, maybe two of Danny and Mary's scenes in L.A. I'm fairly sure it was a female singing (yeah, I know, *that* at least I should be sure of!!, but I didn't tape tonight, and details faded as I enjoyed the rest of the show). I think some lyrics included "it all fades away", but I Googled and didn't get anything.

Any help would be great, thanks.
Hi again, I was really hoping someone could help me out with this song. If not the exact song, does anyone know of a website for Las Vegas or the music? I tried a Google, but got zip.

Las Vegas Opening Music 11/29/04

In the opening seen of LV this past Monday, there was a song during the club seen, it seems to have the words of - Aint nobody can save Vegas. I cannot seem to hear all the words and cannot locate any info pon it on the net. Does any know the correct name group and the name of the title. Thanks in advance to anyone that knows.
I read on another website that this song is another one by Michelle Featherstone, entitled Summertime and that it would be available on her website in a few months or so. Since I didn't hear it myself I can't be sure... but I do know they have used her music in the past on the show.

One website you can check for their music is and there is a forum called "A Little Less Conversation" that discusses music used in the show.

Hope this helps.
Can anyone suggest another place to post my music question? The song in the beginning of the episode is kind of a techno song, so this post may be in the wrong kind of forum. Thanks.
Sorry, I tried everywhere online too. Google came up with nothing. I'll definitely let you know if I find anything. This was the episode with the Polyphonic Spree in it, so I'd start with checking there. They had more than one song in this episode.
Thanks MeganJane, I have also tried the internet but have found nothing. I really like the tune, it sounds like great dancing music.
Thanks ohiomedgirl, from the website you recommend, it does sound like michelle Featherstone's "Summertime" is what I'm looking for. Too bad her stuff seems to have a really limited availability. That song specifically isn't even up on her own site yet.
Song from Las Vegas

Hi I'm looking all over for a song that was played on the show Las Vegas. It was the valentines episode, "Tainted Love" that aired 2/14/05. It's from the scene were sam is crying in the bathroom while her husband Casey is talking to her. It's playing in the background. If anyone knows what song it is please let me know what it is. The only line I could catch was "Only you can make me happy."

Uh, more info I guess to maybe help. It aired in ny at 9o'clock on channel 4, on valentines day. The song was a male vocalist singing to a piano. There's some harmonizing during the chorus.

Here are some more lyrics...some words are missing and some words might be off:

Tried to make it on my own, did my best to get along...
I'm here, cause you're everything to me and I'll never be...without you

Cause only you can make me, only you can make me happy, make me happy

-then small piano solo-

I'd cry if I told you how I feel there's no words that could reveal, my love
I know that I'm made to be with you...

Hmm...that's the best I could do. Hope it helps...I really like the song. If anyone knows what song this is and the band that sings it, I'd really appreciate it.
Ok, I found it hahaha. But thanks to anyone that gave it a shot. I posted on another forum and someone knew who they were. It's an unsigned band that's based in LA. Their name is "The Daylights". And the specific song that was played on Las Vegas was "Happy". You can buy their EP. It has like 7 or 8 of there songs, including the song Happy.

Just in case anyone else was interested. Enjoy!
I love this song. It plays a lot over and over in the episodes of Beyond the Break but I was ecstatic when it played during an episode of Las Vegas because I thought I stood a chance of tracking it down now.

Las Vegas Season 2 Episode 32 production code 208 (to be fancy :P )

It's towards the end of the episode when Ed and Jack are headed toward the art gallery in Vegas.

Starts with some funk guitar playing and the lyrics sound like 'Whoooooo aaaaaare yoooooooooooou? [words I don't know here]'

There's a lot of 'who are you' but sung like that in it. It's not The Who, I'd know that song anywhere and I already checked other places and only that one came up. Grrrr frustrated.

If you want to see an episode of Beyond the Break (prime candidate to hear the song), The N streams full episodes online. I can't even pinpoint an episode right now because this song shows up in so many of them. Just listen for the lyrics, 'Who are you?' and a really fast, dancebeat. I get that song stuck in my head for days and it drives me up the wall because there's no way to remove it.
p.s. hot half naked surfer chicks (2 women in their 20s playing high schoolers, for one.) so you should watch anyway. Plus it's Hawaii and Hawaii is beautiful and the show doesn't suck.

Thanks guys! I love my family of musical sleuths. But no coming back and saying, 'It's The Who's song 'who are you?'' I may have my internet stabbing machine prototyped by then :D
Just wondering if anybody knows which song is playing at the beginning in Episode 8, Season 2. The episode is called "two of a kind". I think i heard 50 Cent, but I am not sure. Anybody knows??
