Know what I hate...

Originally posted by sketchyrx@Mar 31 2006, 11:54 PM
Must have been too hammered to go in to work. Right now he's trying to find a lady to have his babies... :lol:
I think my girlfriend would get mad at me if anyone other than her had my babies. But it never hurts to keep my options open. :p
I hate that every child in America doesn't get the best education possible.
Originally posted by proof@Apr 1 2006, 06:49 AM
I hate that every child in America doesn't get the best education possible.
I hate most children.
I hate drunk fat bitches that think it's acceptable to get so fucking hammered that all they do for hours on end is fall down and spew vomit like a fountain.
GOD, Derrick, all you had to do was ask me nicely not to drink at your bar.

Babies are great as long as I can give em back when I'm done. I love being an aunt. I'm too selfish to be a mama. Plus then there's the fact that all kids from about 7 - 21 are complete assholes.
Originally posted by dascoot wrote:
Babies are great as long as I can give em back when I'm done. I love being an aunt. I'm too selfish to be a mama. Plus then there's the fact that all kids from about 7 - 21 are complete assholes.

:eek:k: I second that.
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 1 2006, 10:16 PM
Plus then there's the fact that all kids from about 7 - 21 are complete assholes.
I second that, we should make it a law or some shit making it illegal.
I going to try not to have one of those. I'm so sick of seeing so many children now days that have control of the parents and are snotty little bastards. Children don't have respect for anyone now days and everything is too completely PC that kids are complete wusses about everything.
Originally posted by Sir_Garland@Apr 3 2006, 08:48 AM
I going to try not to have one of those. I'm so sick of seeing so many children now days that have control of the parents and are snotty little bastards. Children don't have respect for anyone now days and everything is too completely PC that kids are complete wusses about everything.
YES! I agree 100%. B)
I say we just go back tot he days where it was acceptable to smack the shit out of your kids in public. Little shits won't think it's so fucking fun to disobey mommy and daddy when they get the everloving fuck backhanded out of them in the middle of Chuck E. Cheese. I don't know what tree-hugging hippy piece of shit ever said it wasn't alright to punish your child when they do something wrong, but someone did, and they need to be shot for it. The reason kids these days suck and are out of line is because you spank you kid for setting their baby brother on fire and all of a sudden CPS is kicking down your door screaming child abuse. God, I hate this fucking society and it's pandering to the minority, save the rainforest, no smoking in bars because second hand smoke kills, animals have more rights than humans, child molesters don't serve any time because of some evidence was collected improperly at the crime scene, celebreties get away with murder, carrying your dog around in a purse, cars cost more than houses, so called "sports stars" make more in 1 season than the entire populous of my city makes in 10 fucking years, wothless Satan worshipping start wars because he has a small dick and has to compensate, coke addict, mentally retarded Republican piece of shit president!!
You know, I was going to say that I completely love you for saying that but then you had to go and blame it on the republicans. <_< C'mon, you just said for yourself what tree-hugging hippy came up with you can't beat your kids in public. Now that doesn't sound like a republican to me.
Rhonda, we represent the only two conservatives on this forum. If you ever need backup contact me and we will fight for justice!!! Plus, its the cool thing nowadays to blame everything on political parties, especially the conservatives, its like having an ipod and driving a prius. ;)