Jack Links beef jerky


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There's a commercial about jack link's beef jerkies with a bunch of people running in a field holding bags of beef jerkies and a helicopter chasing them. when the people see the helicopter, they start running and the guy in the helicopter shoots a tranquilizer dart at one of them. when the guy wakes up, his bag is gone but you can hear the beginning of a song play in the background. you can only hear the beginning of it and i'll be surprised if someone can find it. Like always, i don't know if it was made specifically for the commercial but so little of it was played i don't even know why'd they bother making it just for the commercial.
yea just saw another commercial where they let a guy loose with two handlers, like a lion, and they end with that same song, it definitely seems too short to be specifically made for the commercial, but its got some cool sounds
thanks for emailing the company magicalcranberry. it'd be neat if we can get the song.
well, they never got back to me, so i think i'll email them again. if you guys wanna email them too maybe we can bombard them until they tell us. :-P
this time they responded very quickly. here's what they had to say:

Dear Mr. Noah Rosenfield:

Thank you for your interest in Jack Link's Beef Jerky and the recent television advertising campaign that our company launched.

Unfortunately, at this time, the company is unable to provide information regarding the music featured in the television commercials. Please visit the Jack Link’s Beef Jerky website (www.JackLinksJerky.com) on a frequent basis, as the information that you are seeking may be available in the near future.

Thank you for contacting Jack Link's Beef Jerky. Feed Your Wild Side…

so, maybe eventually we will find out what it is. in the meantime i guess just watch the commercial over and over again on their website. haha.
cool! thanks a lot magicalcranberry. i didn't think anyone would go through all that trouble for like 5seconds of a song. thanks again!