iPod Shuffle

Originally posted by sarkiemarkie@Mar 14 2005, 02:07 PM
A good site for these things are
How about this site? <_<

Don't forget to :usesearch: before starting new topics. This one has been asked and answered several times in the past!

Duplicate topics merged.
Does anyone know what the title of and/or artist is for the latest ipod commecial, the chorus is "....and we jerk it out....."
Originally posted by blackcat69@Mar 20 2005, 08:59 AM
Does anyone know what the title of and/or artist is for the latest ipod commecial, the chorus is "....and we jerk it out....."
the song is "Jerk it Out" by Caesars Palace
OK, i went back and looked through several posts for iPod song topics but couldn't come up with the answer to my question. i apologize in advance if it was already out there but it's very late here and i'm tired. What is the name of the song (and who sings it) from an iPod commercial several months ago that sounds really 60s psychadelic and ends with what i believe are the lyrics, 'And you jerk it out.'? Much thanks for your help :D