How is the Weather in your Area?

Ummmmm. The coast is the destination not a stop along the way to somewhere else. I go back home when I'm done there. ;)
:blink: If it's the destination, how is it not a stop? Wait, are you gonna go blow shit up? :)
If anything blows up then something has gone horribly horribly wrong. But one never knows. :p

Doesn't look like anything is going to happen along those lines one way or the other. Not by us. Not on this coast. Not this year anyway.
Oh I'm sure we'll have a few. Much more activity on the eastside. :p I have nothing to do with those so I really don't keep track of what's going on over there.
Storms with the rain and the thunder and the lightening and things of this nature. :p
Funny you should ask about the weather. Finally rainy and stormy here in Alabama where we've experienced one very bad drought. Sitting here on the computer, watching the NASCAR race of course, Tv pops like a friggin' bomb goin' off. My left index finger on the laptop feels like someone just hit it with a hammer. That was an interesting moment. Computer is fine. The only known damage is a fried central heat & air unit. Hopefully, it will be repaired / replaced in the morning before my house turns into a sauna. :angry: