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the commercial looks like it was filmed with a camcorder and it says "a cheap commercialto save you money" and it has flutes in the beginning and adds a guitar near the end.HELP PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ditto on the request for the name of the artist. Love the tune. Very "surf" sounding. Somebody please step up and give us a clue!
I thought it was a commercial. There is a thread about it and someone said it is a band called Los High Tops. I couldn't hear the particular song at the band's website so I can't verify if it's really the song. I love it too!!
Originally posted by FrauBluker@Oct 10 2004, 02:22 AM
I thought it was a commercial. There is a thread about it and someone said it is a band called Los High Tops. I couldn't hear the particular song at the band's website so I can't verify if it's really the song. I love it too!!
I listened to the Hotwire spot and, unfortunately, it's not the same tune. However, it is some really good music. Los High Tops sounds good!
Hey, I may have answered my own question here.

Thanks to FrauBluker's posting (love that name - love any Mel Brooks movie!) I went to the Los High Tops website at

They mention the following on their homepage:

"The third commercial is now in heavy rotation.- Flute commercial covering The Statesmen! (sorry folks - you can't find it here - yet!)"

Sounds like the tune I was hearing. Have to wait and see if they post the mp3 on their website.

Thanks to FrauBluker for the tip!
OK - It is Los High Tops

In this case a departure - Los High Tops is playing a cover of music that "should be heard" (darn it! - there is some great stuff out there that never "made it"), instead of the original music that Hotwire usually features. It's a great song that never - ever emerged from obscurity.

In this case the Thanks goes to Hotwires ad agency (MESF) for finding such a great piece of music.

Why did Los High Tops do this recording if the original was so great? - Ask the lawyers - but just listen! This is an ((a)- in curent linguistic practice) homage to the Statesmen who really kicked ass!