Hi my name is Ballz Ballz Mahoney

:lol: I'm late to the party again. I was busy trying to get this lady's interwebs back up. BUUUTTT, her ISP's router was fubar. ;)
So I got a Victoria's Secret in the mail today and I put it on my husband's computer chair. He tossed it back at me, like "I don't want that shit." I said what? Look! Boobies! He said NO they're all covered. So I got my sharpie and I added nipples. He just walked away. :(
:lol: At least Sean drools over it and then points at something and says "You'd look cute in this!" Like he's only shopping for me or something. :P
He tries. We were at a friends house and the Underneath it all video came on and our friend is like she's so hot and Sean says, "yeah." Then adds a "she's almost as hot as my wife!" :rolleyes: It was funny though.
My husband thinks he has to use the "What girl? I don't see any girl, I'm married" line in front of me.

For god's sake, boy, I'M checking her out!! LOOK AT HER!!
Mine knows better than that cause I'm like "OMG! Look at that girl, she's hot!!" *grabs his head and turns it towards the hottie*
:lol: I actually get mad when he doesn't look at some hot chick cause it just feels dishonest to me.
Boy, stick around. You'll see some funny people. I'm just one of the resident dick-and-booby joke tellers.

And you can call me Melissa.