hello to new and old members alike!


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Just to get the ball rolling. My name is Michelle (in case you missed my user name :P), from Alabama currently living in Los Angeles. I'm a late 20-something gal. I love Bjork, Queen, Paris (the city), cheese, cooking and knitting. :D

I'm also your (usually) friendly moderator & Site Admin.
I'm going to reply because I still feel like I'm 'new' here!!
My name is Jessica. I'm 24 years old and I live in Puerto Rico. I love music, especially Brendan Benson's music!!!!!
My name is Erika and I'm from Texas. I have two beautiful cats that are about to have kittens!! I like to eat, shop, and talk. Within the past year I have lost 45 lbs but gained about 15 back. BUT, since the beginning of the year I've 20. I like taking pictures.
Andy... Michigan... 2 cats... 1 annoying dog... 16 years young... boy
Hi all! I know I'm not new, but too bad. :lol:

Megan, 27, live in Boston w/ my boyfriend and crazy cat Roxie. I love the Red Sox, watch too much TV, and love wine.
I'm the Happy Humble DJ from 91.5 fm Lowell (Mass). I usually do a online show every Saturday night 10pm - midnight eastern time (7pm- 9pm Pacific time).
The Weblink is http://www.wuml.org/webcast.php
or just copy into realplayer.
Public request aim name is WUMLradio. Free to tune in while you read the Adtunes forums.

I enjoy Adtunes.com. Who doesn't? It keeps me hip with commercial tunes, expecially from car commercials. I was Djing Hockey games for a while, where I usually played tunes from Caddilac, Cobalt, Nike, Mistubishi and Ford commercials. Thanks to this website. And I can't forget "O fortuna" :D

I haven't seen a Losing sports team out of Massachusetts in a while, BC and Celts, Fingers crossed.

I always :usesearch: Thats right.
I'm Rhonda. I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 25 yrs old. Married. Kid on the way. 1 huskie, 1 bulldog, 1 ferret, and 1 kitten. Huge OU fan!! :D
I'm Kristyn, 23, and from NJ. I work for Barnes & Noble. I read cheesy romance novels, and when I'm not at work, I spend my days online and watching soap operas...(I know, I know, I sound like your grandmother). I like to think that I have a good sense of humor, and I have been known to be just a smidge sarcastic. :P Hey, everyone has their faults...........
I'm Sarah. I'm from Ohio. Mid 20's and married. I have two cats, Jack & Willy, who I treat as though they're my kids!!! I love to read and scrapbook. I also LOVE college football. :rolleyes:
Adam, late 20's, Minneapolis suburbs. I like music/movies/TV/PS2, and during football season I bleed purple**

**I'm a huge Vikings fan! :D
Originally posted by burdnest@Mar 14 2005, 05:49 PM
I'm Sarah. I'm from Ohio. Mid 20's and married. I have two cats, Jack & Willy, who I treat as though they're my kids!!! I love to read and scrapbook. I also LOVE college football. :rolleyes:
I *miss* scrapbooking! :lol: I used to do it all the time, but I don't have room to anymore (not to mention the devil kitty that would destroy my stuff if I put it out). So instead I have this huge cart with hundreds of dollars of supplies, and it just sits in my bedroom. :(
hi i'm steph; 23 in virginia, i like strawberry smoothies, music, movies, etc.
my name is Gamet. (nice, eh? my parents were... uh... creative?) im canadian (oops, wrong thing to say) happily living in ontario (niagara falls!!! no we dont live in igloos) and id just like to say, im 24, happily single, writing my own book, still in a garage band, love the music from "our" time (beatles, eagles, pink ffloyd, BOC, jethro tull, queen, its all good) and favoUrite song of all time has to be... After the thrill is gone, Eagles, it describes my life in a nutshell. l8r ma friends.


P.S. honoUr, coloUr, favoUr, favoUrite, neighboUr, neighboUrhood, laboUr lol im just messing with you
What EVER we love Canadians. Me and Steph spell stuff with superfluous U's too cause it's neato-mosquito.

Forgive me though, cause I'm an ingoramous, but are you male or female? Either way your name kicks much ass. :)
I’m 19. Female from NYC. I’m usually on this site (as if you can’t tell :D ) and I’m usually procrastinating… Have I mentioned that I’m a college student? I like eating food that's bad for me. I have too many hobbies, random stuff like reading, drawing, taking photographs and playing with power tools and swords :devil:
I'm Brandon, 21 soon to be 22....jesus, I remember talking to you same people about my birthday a year ago. Where does the time ago. I'm from southern California and I like to listen to music, watch baseball and read fiction. I love to make out with girls but really hate the idea of casual sex. I'm also an avid health nut.
Originally posted by leone@Mar 14 2005, 07:56 PM
I’m 19. Female from NYC. I’m usually on this site (as if you can’t tell :D ) and I’m usually procrastinating… Have I mentioned that I’m a college student? I like eating food that's bad for me. I have too many hobbies, random stuff like reading, drawing, taking photographs and playing with power tools and swords :devil:
i thought u were a guy :lol:
Hi all.. My name is Wil and i live in (Jackassville) FL. I have 2 little boys 6 and 8 from a divorce.. I love to box, lift weights, play football, basketball, and raquetball. I am a former goldengloves boxer and i wish that i would have tired out for the tv show The Contender so that i could have been the one to knockout the baby face punk on the show this past Sunday night. if any one out there knows of any kind of music that is good to either workout to or shadow box to i would like to know. :D
I *miss* scrapbooking! I used to do it all the time, but I don't have room to anymore (not to mention the devil kitty that would destroy my stuff if I put it out). So instead I have this huge cart with hundreds of dollars of supplies, and it just sits in my bedroom.

That sounds so much like me until a few months ago. I recently moved, so I have been let's say "without employment" so I've had quite a bit of time on my hands!!! I just finished scrapbooking my wedding pics...two years after the fact!!! :lol: