Grand Theft Auto Vice City

The rock song in the Grand Theft Auto: Vice City commercial is "I ran" by A Flock of Seagulls.....there was another Vice City commercial with a techno beat, that one is called "Al-Naafiysh (the soul)" by Hashim.
im looking for the song from the video game grand theift auto commerical...i've run i've run so far away i think is how it goes...anyone know
i think you're talking about the song "and i ran (so far away)" by a flock of seagulls. grand theft auto has a website that lists all the playlists in the game...they also have soundtracks. :)
Not exactly sure but it sounds kinda like Herbie Hancock. Just a suggestion.
Try sending an eamil to Rockstar games. They might help you out.
I answered this question like a year ago. "Al-Naafiysh (the soul)" by Hashim. Although the very beginning of the trailer doesn't sound like it...