"Goodlife Recipe" dog food ad


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This commercial just aired a night or two ago with dogs and often kids playing (jumping into pools, running in yards, etc.) The song in the background sounded like Frank Sinatra or Tony Bennett and the most lyrics I could discern were "this is the good life..."
Googled that line, and I doubt very seriously the vocalist was 2pac--LOL!
Here's the website, but I can't find the comm. on YouTube, unfortunately.

Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance!
There was a song called "Good Life" by Weezer, but I doubt that is what you are looking for. It might be, so try and listen to it on iTunes or something.
I can tell you right now it did *NOT* sound like Weezer! LOL Thanks for your input, though!
Does anyone know the female vocalist whose rendition is also used in the commercial? I just heard it the day before yesterday for the first time (and again tonight), but it might have been used quite a bit earlier. BTW, the other one is definitely Sinatra, not Bennett.
Does anyone know who the female vocalist is who is featured on the Goodlife commercial? The song is "It's the good life". I first saw it about 2 weeks ago, and I saw it again tonight at 7:28 P.M. (Central time) tonight (April 3) on "Animal Planet". Thanks.