Gatorade "It"

well i sent gatorade an email asking, hopefully theyll respond to it with the song title/composer...


ill keep you posted if they send me an email.
No reply yet? Too bad no one knows this song...
I sent gatorade an email and sadly...


Thank you for contacting us about our new "It" commercial. The music company who composed the track that is featured in the commercial "It" is Stimmung, and the title of the track is "It." The music is original music created for the commercial and is not available for sale.

We hope this information is helpful.

im pretty much crying.
ugh sorry, i forgot about this thread. they sent me an email same as the above. sorry for keeping you waiting. =(

RE: Gatorade IT Commercial , REF.# 025619228A


Thank you for contacting us about the song in our Gatorade "It" commercial. The
music company who composed the track that is featured in the commercial "It" is
Stimmung, and the title of the track is "It." The music is original music
created for the commercial and is not available for sale.

We hope this information is helpful.
Saw a commercial tonight during NBC's Deal Or No Deal (A guilty pleasure...) for Gatorade that had a very striking piece of music accompanying it, and I'd appreciate any help anyone can lend me towards finding this one. It's a little difficult because it's instrumental, but perhaps somebody knows. The commercial begins with a close-up of a man's face and he's struggling to do something, and as the camera zooms out it begins to spin slowly. The man's face is sopped in sweat and it begins to turn colors to show it's gatorade. The camera then pans out and turns upside down to reveal the man is holding himself upside down in the air. The entire thing is scored by this unbroken piano and it ends with the message "IT is here...Is IT in you?"
I apologise if this has already been requested, I'm lazy by nature and haven't sorted through old messages yet...
Has anyone else seen the nike commercial with all the athletes and it says over their heads "its here"? Its sort of in black and white. Whats the piano piece in it? PLEASE tell me it wasnt made for the commercial!

Do you have a link to the commercial or something, I think I know what you are talking about but I'm not sure. If you get back to me on that I might be able to help.
Hi I play the piano. And I would like the notes to this song and the name. It's on a commercial, the commercial is called It and it just has things like "It is here". It caught my ear. Just incase you dont know what commercial it is, here is a link Last commercial there. Thanks for the help. I have been searching for weeks.
Maybe I'm totally wrong here ...

But actually, isn't that a Gatorade ad?

I dunno ...

It sounds so familiar to me (I play the piano). I can't get the name out of my mouth. Damn.
that piano piece is interesting i would also want to know the author
its a beatiful piece of music
hey you know i listened to it twice and it sort of sounds like a reaaaaaallly slow version of take me out to the ball game, haha iono listen to it i heard a similarity