
We could just post a link each time an episode is released and save 100 people from asking.
We could just post a link each time an episode is released and save 100 people from asking.

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Re: Fringe "Bad Dreams" episode

What's the song played during the car drive where Astrid reads from the manuscript? Instrumental.

Perhaps it was composed for the show as well as the intro song.

Anyway, both instrumental songs are really good.
I was looking for the name of a song from the latest episode "Bad Dreams" it was in the cafe scene and sounded like an older Dean Martin song the lyrics were "We met on the via veneto in rome at a sidewalk cafe with candlelight and wine her hand so warm in mine it's no wonder my heart slipped away." I searched everywhere online, if anyone knows this song please let me know!
"Via Veneto" by Lou Monte
Can someone help me find one of the songs of fringe?? I don't know too well what it says but I think is a comercial...When Olivia is talking with a man...And he says that he love her...or Something like that.....can pleaaaaaaaaaaase someone help me with the name of that song??? =)
Fringe season 1 episode 17: "Bad Dreams"

Hello All,

In Fringe season 1 episode 17: "Bad Dreams" (this is the episode where the mother that just came back from the circus with her daughter commits suicide at Grand Central Station in NY); Olivia enters a night club and sees a petite woman dancing on stage. The club appears to be a strip club.

There is a song that is playing when Olivia enters the club; part of the lyrics says, "star struck..." and the artist singing the song is a female.

Do any of you know the name of the artist and the song perhaps even the album. I would like this information so I can find the song on iTunes and download a copy for myself.


I think Leone accidentally linked to "The Fame" by Lady GaGa at Amazon instead of "Starstruck:, here's the correct link: Amazon
Sorry, I thought that was the single you linked to. I glanced at it quick and saw 0.99 instead of 9.99.
There's this song on the episode where there's the guy's wife is infected with a messed up version of syphilis or something like that. There's a part when they look for her in the club, and there's a song playing in the backround. Could someone tell me what that song is? Thanks :D
"Discipline" by Nine Inch Nails plays when Peter is using the radiometer to search the club for her & "Burning Up" by Ladytron plays when Peter spots her & Olivia radios Charlie.
Whats This Song?

Episode 9 Dreamscape

Boston. Olivia Dunham is getting ready for a night out, but before she can leave she is summoned by Phillip Broyles to catch a plane to New York.

Whats the song in this scene? Starts when the camera shows the door to the building
Does anyone know who was doing the background rendition of "Can't Find My Way Home" on the episode when Dunham got in that belated car accident?