Ford 500 "New Level" and "Ballet"


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Ford 500 "New Level" and "Ballet"

I'm more interested in the music shown in the "New Level " commercial, for the new Ford 500 sedan. Sounds like a very familiar classical piece that I've listened to in my youth. Anyone recognize it?
I'm totally confused!!

Tamsin, which particular ad are you referring to with regard to the Sleeping Beauty track?

This thread was addressing the music in the 'Yellow Lines' commercial which is a contemporary piece.

We then got sidetracked (partly my fault) and started discussing the 'New Level' commercial which is accompanied by a classical piece.
Sorry,it's the ad where they're sliding about on a wet street -is that the one with the classical music you mean?
No problem - but this ad is actually for the same car so I haven't totally lost my marbles!It may be the answer to the one Sophist was asking about.
I see now! There are two ads for the Ford 500, both with classical music.

The track from Sleeping Beauty found by Tamsin is for the one entitled 'Ballet'.
Okay. I've split off the topics now. The thread for the "Yellow Lines" ad can be found here.

:arrow: To recap -- There are two Ford 500 ads, with two different pieces of classical music:

The music from "Ballet" has been answered and is from Tchaikovsky's ballet "Sleeping Beauty." The song is "Adagio a la Rose." Audio sample available here, disc 1 track 9.

You can view the ad for "New Level" here. I think we're still looking for this song, right?

Is this all in order now? :unsure:
OK, I'm totally confused now. Does anyone know the name of the song that is played on the FORD 500 TV ad that is titled "New Level?"


Has anyone been able to find the haunting music from the FORD 500 "New Level" ad?

Sorry to re-post, but I did a search and it said "This menu has been discontinued." I assume I now have to re-start this thread. Seemed like there were a bazillion people with this same question, yet nobody seems to be able to find the answer. I keep seeing this ad about 4 times a day, and I checked on FORD's site, and they have allocated $500 million in TV broadcast fees for this one ad. Seems like with all of this exposure, someone would be able to find out.

Anyone know of another web site where I could ask this same question, to get more people looking?


yea i've been waiting awhile too to find out... sounds REALLY familiar and is probably a famous song so somebody has to know, c'mon ;)
Is it possible that FoMoCo hired a composer and orchestra, and this song is 100% custom and uniquely developed for the exclusive use of the FORD 500 New Level ad?