District B13

Ah...Such a good movie...

I had to find the music myself several months ago when the movie first came out in France...simple enough-
I searched p2p networks for "Banlieue 13"...most of it is french rap, but the beats are pretty good B)

i have no idea what the artists names are now, because i was only interested in the music, really, i don't know...but i'm certain if you search a network for Banlieue 13, you'll find most of the music. :)
The first song is called "motors" by ? and the other one "banlieue 13" by Da. Octopusss.
I hope that helped :)


Nobody asks to be a hero,
it just sometimes turns out that way.
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows what the rave song is that's played in the second half of the trailer, anybody know?
Originally posted by Football Mike@May 29 2006, 07:14 PM
Hey I was wondering if anyone knows what the rave song is that's played in the second half of the trailer, anybody know?
Motors By Da Octopuss
I've ran a search on these forums, all came up negative.

In this " http://www.apple.com/trailers/magnolia/dis...ictb13/trailer/ " version of the trailer, I'm looking for the song that starts right after the text "Paris 2010" and ends at the text "Goes Nuclear". I have the OST, its NOT "da_octopusss-motors", or "da_octopusss-banlieue_13". They're used later in the trailer.
Where did you get the da octopusss motors song? Is it on itunes or just posted online somewhere so you can listen? thanks
I think I can help with this one

Though I'm not sure what preview your talking about, I'm probably farmiliar with any song that might have been used.

Can you describe the song, like as far as tempo or whatever?
Oh duh, you posted it right there...fool that I am

actually that's the one song from this movie I havent been able to find
If you can believe it, haha

You might try americanparkour.com

I've gotten alot of info about the soundtrack from there before.
was it featured in the movie? if it is then the answer is probably in the credits...
Just saw this movie during the weekend, and yes, the song is in the movie. I didn't stick around until the end of the credits, but I'm sure it's there.
Hey guys ive done a search on this and nothing came up, would greatly greatly appreciate any help with this. Im trying very hard to find the first song used in the trailer right after it says Paris 2010. If anyone could help me out that would be really great thanks! Theres just something about this song....I love it. Appreciate it thanks! :)

Link below

Youtube trailer
There were about 3 differnent songs from the movie mixed into that trailer. If you could tell me at what time during the trailer your song starts mabye I could help. (Look at the time at the bottom of the you tube frame)
OK, these times are based on the youtube trailer you linked. From 0:14 to 0:45 'Hip-Hop Supermarche' by "Da. Octopusss" is playing. From 1:05 to 1:44 'Banlieue 13' also by "Da. Octapusss" is playing. I don't know what the song played between them is, but my guess is that it's also created by "Da. Octapusss". Hope this helps :D
Anyone know where I can find Hip-Hop Supermarche? I checked Itunes wasnt there...anyone have any luck finding it? It is hard to get scince its from a french band? Would Appreciate any help thanks guys! :)
Haha ok the questions to the song in the beginning of this trailer is answered, I finally found wat the song was called. It's the song right after it says paris 2010. The song is
Hip Hop-supermarche

I can't tell you how long i've been on the hunt for this one. :-P