I have been searching for many years for a song that was on a Discovery Channel tv Ad. This ad was advertised through 2003 onwards, but I have not seen it for the past 2 years, perhaps more. All I remember is that it was a musical piece, that sounded like it had a good remix of indian music, but it was a modern tune, dancy & it might have had a flute used in the music. I distinctly remember an 'indian' lady sitting in the desert, her scarf was blowing in the wind, I think she was sitting down with the desert as the backdrop. Really loved this tune, a friend lent me a cd with this song and others on from the same band/dj, but it was brown coloured themed and I just can't remember the name of the group/musicians. I regret losing this cd, it was my only link to the tv ad. Somebody told me the name of the group was 'Endorphin', but I could find NO cd that had this music or even a cd produced by them that was brown coloured in presentation...lost...