Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper "Mahna Mahna"

according to the mp3 i have, it's actually "mahna mahna". sorry for any confusion.
Anyone know what cartoon the song is from in the Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper commercial where the guy tells the girl about his money, then she sips the drink and the guy and other restaurant people start singing the song from the cartoon? I've heard that a bunch of times when I was a kid, but it's been so long that I can't remember what it's from.
It is Mahna Mahna and can be found on the The Muppet Show: Music, Mayhem and More - 25th Anniversary CD

Thanks. I guess that's why I couldn't think of it. I saw some of the Muppets when I was a kid, but not that much of them. I obviously heard enough of that song to recognize it.