Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper "Mahna Mahna"


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Outta the corner of my eye last night, I caught a new commercial for a new type of Diet Dr Pepper. I think it was Diet Cherry Vanilla or something like that (I wasn't paying too close attention at the time. It involved a guy and a girl sitting in a restaurant, and I think the guy was talking, but the female wasn't paying any attention to him because she had a song stuck in her head. Now I have it stuck in my head...

There's no lyrics in the song, just a male voice going "Bah bah bah bah bah! Bah bah bah bah!" over and over again to a poppy beat. That's the best description I can give of it, sorry... :(

I know I've heard this song many times before, most recently on a Sesame Street retrospective that my kid watches everyday. I assumed it was an old old Sesame Street song, only because the skit appears to be from a very early episode of the show, including very primative puppets. It even sounded like it may be the exact same recorded version.

Any help that anybody can provide will be greatly appreciated...
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Sorry I don't know the song's name, but also want to know what it is. So here is my description. The guys sings "mana mana" then the people in high voices sing "doot dooo, doo doo doot" Hope this helps someone to figure it out.
Originally posted by bruteostrich@Feb 1 2005, 06:53 PM
Sorry I don't know the song's name, but also want to know what it is. So here is my description. The guys sings "mana mana" then the people in high voices sing "doot dooo, doo doo doot" Hope this helps someone to figure it out.
*That* song you're describing sounds an awful lot like that song the Muppets sing (w/ Animal singing the "manah manah" part)!! It's called "Manah Manah", (I'm not sure of the spelling). But that's exactly how that song goes!
I searched a little more, and I found it. Here's the link: Mahna Mahna
This is it, just click on the first picture to see the music video.
Hope this helps.
That song is on the album "Muppet Show: Music, Mayhem and More! The 25th Anniversary Collection". It's not on iTunes but it's probably at ;)
Originally posted by bruteostrich@Feb 1 2005, 06:34 PM
I searched a little more, and I found it. Here's the link: Mahna Mahna
This is it, just click on the first picture to see the music video.
Hope this helps.
When you click that link, there is a comments box right underneath the pictures/video. The post from kdalton857 answers the question for sure:

" have you seen the Dr. Pepper commercial that has this song on it? Is this a coinky-dink, or are they stealing ideas from you?!?!?!" Comment from kdalton857 - 1/31/05 9:14

What a great song! :D
"Mahna Mahna" was originally by composer Piero Umiliani and featured in a documentary film called Spezia, Inferno e Paradiso (Sweden, Heaven and Hell). (thats taken from the liner notes to Muppet Show: Music Mayhem & More) of course you probably will never find that version ;)
I need to correct the statement on the front page that the tune "Mahna Mahna" originated on The Muppet Show. Truth of the matter is, "Mah Na Mah Na" (it's original title) was composed by Piero Umiliani and first appeared in a Sweedish "sex documentary" in 1968.
That being said, most of us certainly first heard it through it's use on The Muppet Show.
I would also direct people's attention to the cover that the group Cake perform, it's on the CD "For The Kids" on the Nettwerk Records label. And to bring things right back to The Muppets, that same CD also includes Sarah McLachlan's rendition of The Rainbow Connection.

{note to Mod, this should probably be moved to the TV commercials section since it is topical due to the Dr Pepper spot}
I'm glad someone is reading the front page! ;)

We're aware that it is a "cover" and the original source of the song, but that background information was left out for length constraints.

You can find the original song on the soundtrack album Svezia Inferno E Paradiso by Piero Umiliani.

I've reworded the entry to make this more clear -- apologize for any confusion.
and now i see that "wonder_al" also caught the origin of the tune now that my post has been moved to the appropriate thread.
theres this commercial that has this wierd song where theres this person talking and all that comes out is something that sounds like "phenomena" and the people in the backround just go "du du du du du"

its for some sode, i think is some thing with cherry in it
if u cud help
thx a bunch
:D Manha Manha

Its from the muphets.

Someone will probably post the previous thread for you. :)
does anyone know what the song is on the dr pepper commercial....there is no words on the commercial but the song is funny! it goes like "do do do do menah menah do do do" something funny like that! is that even a real song????
there is a commercial that has a lot of people sitting in a cafe with a lady looking at all of these people start singing Manamana, manamana, and even the guy she is sitting with is singing it.
the name of the song is manamana and it's from the muppet show. it's for a dr. pepper commercial.